More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
Yesterday I went to the lake and saw a Canadian Goose that had a broken wing. I called the local wildlife centre and they asked me if I would go back today and see if I could find it again. Gladly!

They asked me to bring cracked corn or a multi-grain bread to see if it would come close to me. I am not afraid of animals, so I gladly would. I never feed the birds but I did this time only cause the wildlife centre asked me too.

Well, today after an hour of searching, I found my wounded featherd friend. I had got a multi-grain bagel from the coffee shop and the goose let me hand feed him!

I called the wildlife centre back and emailed them photos I had taken with my phone. They will go tomorrow to get it and help it out :D They say they will call me tomorrow and update me on the goose.

Just wanted to share the story cause I enjoyed feeding the goose and loved that it trusted me enough to come close. I am glad they will help the goose as I don't want him to be hurting and in pain.

Like my recent swan story. Animals move me so much. I adore them greatly. I love to hear stories about animal encounters as well as share them.

Hope you enjoyed my story. I enjoyed being there.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I did enjoy your story :)

Good for you for helping an animal in need.


YAY for you!!!
I am the same.
Rescued a seagull a few weeks ago, poor thing, had a really really nasty bloody broken wing.
Tuesday morning I saw 3 trumpeter swans flying over school. I love animals!!!!


Resident Canuck
Thanks Sister-Ray and Meggylou.

The Trumper Swans I believe are the ones that are endangered. I see a few at the lake with the tags on them.

Congrats on rescuing the seagull. Did you find out how he/she is doing now?
Were you able to contain the seagull yourself?

They asked me yesterday if I could contain the goose and bring it to them :eek: The first lady I spoke to on Tuesday said it wouldn't be safe for me or the bird. Geese are way too big for one person.
i get alot of pigeons here and have rescued quite a few,, just recently one got stuck down my un used chimney which has been plastered up, none of the rescue services would come out or they had a long time to wait so I knocked the air vent out and made a hole and got him out, after a rest and food he was ok he comes back to see me,,:)


Resident Canuck
Awww, that is sweet Sister-Ray. That is amazing he remembers to come back to visit you.

I know how much you love birds too. :D


Resident Canuck
Thanks Turtle. I hope so too. He was still walking about and still plump, so hopefully he will be ok.

The wildlife centre didn't call me back today so maybe I will call them back tomorrow if they don't call to see how he is.

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