More threads by codenameeagle

Hey does anyone else have parents that ignore their opinions? I just had an argument with my dad and had to write this cause I don't have a punching bag any more. seriously, I don't know how many times I ask the same question or make the same suggestion and get ignored. Obviously I know he must disagree with me if he avoids answering, but what the **** is that? Am I not entitled to have my own opinion that is different from his? The disagreement of opinions doesn't even have to be an argument every ****ing time. Are you such an a****** that you cant just listen to what your kid thinks (even if you might not agree), just because he finds it interesting.

I'll admit that of coarse I am not always right, and that he is right a lot more than I am, but seriously why does it always have to come down to numbers with him. My dad can be such a ****ing prick I feel like my head is going to explode. Like hear me out for just once, and have a chuckle if you find it stupid, or at least make some kind of effort to show that you acknowledged my opinion.

At this point I don't even care about spending "quality" time with my dad just because he is going to lecture me the whole time like I am in middle school.




Sorry for your frustration. It can be hard trying to "grow up" when we feel like that effort is somehow being inhibited. Can I ask how old you are? I'm going to guess you're quite young, but I'm not sure how young. I think all of us go through a period where our parents pretty much drive us crazy. The good thing is, it usually gets better in time.

Without more concrete examples, or being specific as to the nature of your post, I'm not sure what else I can add. We all have moments of thinking our parents MUST be from another planet, and there are strategies to help, but I'm not sure as to your specific circumstances.
Wow, what version of windows are you turtle? you sound like a computer. How old am I? does it really matter how old I am? The point is that my dad is a stupid **** with no regard for anyones opinion. I have being dealing with this bull **** for a number of years now, even if I was 12 or a teenager he should still treat me with respect, especially if he wants it back from me.

P.S. Get your AI updated before you respond.



If you want assistance or support from the membership here, you are going to have to be a little bit (alot more) polite in how you speak to us. There is no reason to respond this way; animosity will get you nowhere.

Please remember that this is a support forum. If you ask for support, expect to get some questions so people can better understand your situation and therefore provide you with the proper support.


does it really matter how old I am?

You certainly do not need to give your age although certainly parent-child relationships change and evolve over time. Do you have a counselor/therapist or anyone helping you deal with your situation? :coffee: Mari



Your response to Turtle is rude and insensitive to someone who is trying to help you.

Please review our Forum Rules, in particular,
all members are expected to treat other members with courtesy and respect. Profanity, insults, personal attacks on other members, or harassment of other members in any form will not be tolerated and may result in being banned from the forum. The Golden Rule - Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You - is a good general basis for forum decorum.

We don't use expletives to define people we refer to in our discussions, and in an adult manner discuss our issues and concerns in a polite and civil manner.

When a moderator or member of the Forum requires clarification in one of your posts, it is quite common to ask a follow up question. It's up to you whether you choose to answer the question, but please do not berate the person trying to help you.

you sound like a computer

Would you clarify what this statement implies?

Get your AI updated before you respond

The reason we do not encourage abbreviations or text speak is because the meaning is rarely understood. What is AI ?

We will be pleased to discuss your situation, codenameeagle, so treat us with the respect that we afford you. Without information we cannot read your mind and speculate on what options might be appropriate.

Remember the old adage about "biting the hand that feeds you" when responding to well intentioned volunteer moderators and interested Forum members.

Hope you find the information and support you need here on Psychlinks.


Hello, Just logged on and was reading the above information. Let's not all make mountains out of molehills. Codenameeagle, it is really frustrating when people don't listen to your own individual opinion as you are probably exploring issues and are open to a variety of external factors that are currently shaping your opinions. My children all thought they were adopted at times and I cannot tell you the amount of times that I did not understand where they were coming from. You know communication is a two way street. Just because your dad is an adult doesn't mean he had a good example set for him on the "listening skills" from his own dad. What is your grand-father or pop like. Have you reflected on the root cause of your frustration? busybee.
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