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this may seem a bit strange but i am wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. i sometimes leave a therapy session and realize i have a headache. right now i'm sort of teeter tottering with depression, feeling it on some days and doing okay on others. and the headache is there too on the not so good days, and it really almost feels like it's because of a shift in my thinking. does this make any sense?


Headaches come in many forms and can be cause by a number of factors.

Would you elaborate on the nature and quality of headache you experience, such as where it hurts, for how long it lasts, other things that might go along with your headache.

Have you noticed anything consistent that occurs either before or after the headache?

What remedies do you use to relieve the headache?

Headaches should not be ignored, and need to be followed up with the doctor to rule out potentially serious conditions.

Unfortunately headaches are not taken seriously by some because there is no outward sign of one's discomfort.

Consult your doctor if your headache?

  • is sudden and severe
  • occurs with fever, stiff neck, or uncontrollable vomiting
  • causes confusion or loss of consciousness
  • is persistent, when previously you?ve been headache free
  • is accompanied by numbness, weakness, or vision loss
  • begins after the age of fifty years
  • begins after head injury or other trauma
  • interferes with your ability to function normally at work or in social situations
  • requires medication more than two days per week.
it's just the front of my head really, and it's there but very managable. it tends to disappear on its own, it only seems to last for half an hour or so. today it seems to come and go a bit, and seems to match my mood. when i feel more down it seems to be there and when my mood lifts it's not there.


As you know we are not here to diagnose, but to suggest options for discussion with one's physician.

Another consideration for the ocurrance of headaches is medications being taken.

Many medications cause headache as a side effect, either when treatment is initiated, when a dose is changed or another medication is added to the mix.

Often medication related headache subsides with time as our body chemistry adapts to the change, but if it doesn't and all other causes of theheadache are ruled out, then it may be time to discuss a medication change with the doctor.

Do simple analgesics such as aspirin, acetomenophen (eg Tylenol) or ibuprophen (eg Advil) provide relief?

What about walking in fresh air?

Neurologists often recommend people experiencing a headache go outside for a walk in the fresh air, which sometimes helps relieve the headache.


I'm not an expert at this, but I'm not stranger to it either. It sounds like a stress related headache. The higher the stress, the more intese the pain. Often, location of the pain can be important in determining the nature, and sometimes - the cause, of the headache.

Stress is a nasty thing. When the mind and body get stressed, body becomes flooded with stress hormones. Thos buggers change a lot of things. For one, blood flow decreases to some areas and increases to others. For example, your muscles in legs become engorged with blood flow and oxygen to help you run, while your organs get less blood and oxygen. Your hearing, vision, and sensitivity rise, your heart rate speeds up, and your breathing becomes shallow. It's almost like a work-out. When your breathing is shallow, simply put, you are not getting enough oxygen. Lack of oxygen means increased carbon monoxide in your system...which can lead to other problems. Anyways, that's roughly what happens when you're stressed.

Meds may help the symptoms, but to master it, it helps to learn to deal with the cause: in this case, stress. Walk in the park is a good one. It will let your body work off the adrenalin (reducing anxiety), help you breathe (get more oxygen into your system), and distract you (take your mind and focus off stressfull thoughts).

Laughter is good medicine also...forces you to breathe's fun. :) Have you watched a good comedy lately? Read a funny book/story? It may give you a breather that your body seems to need.
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