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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Health Canada warns against two natural health products
Friday, August 22, 2008
CBC News

Life Choice Ephedrine HCL, Life Choice Kava Kava could cause death: warning

Health Canada is warning consumers not to use two unauthorized natural health products because they are not approved by its department and may cause serious negative health problems that could result in death.

The products are Life Choice Ephedrine HCL and Life Choice Kava Kava.

Life Choice Ephedrine HCL is packaged in bottles of 60 capsules, with each capsule containing 30 milligrams. Life Choice Kava Kava is packaged in bottles containing 60 capsules, with each capsule containing 150 milligrams.

Health Canada is advising consumers who are using Life Choice Ephedrine HCL or Life Choice Kava Kava to stop doing so immediately and consult their health-care practitioner if they are concerned about their health.

"Consumers who have purchased these products should return them to the place of purchase," it said in a news release on Friday. "Health Canada is taking measures to prevent these products from entering the Canadian market."

Health Canada said Life Choice Ephedrine HCL contains an excessive amount of ephedrine, and when used alone or in combination with caffeine or other stimulants that enhance weight loss, body building, athletic performance and physical energy, may cause serious and potentially fatal health effects.

It said it has found that the product is contaminated with bacteria that could cause serious and irreversible health effects that could result in death. Individuals with a compromised immune system, infants, the elderly or those with an underlying disease or condition are particularly at risk.

It said consumers should not use ephedrine products for anything other than the approved purpose of nasal decongestion.

Health Canada said use of products containing ephedrine is not recommended in people with heart problems, hypertension, thyroid disease, diabetes, enlarged prostate, anxiety and restlessness, glaucoma (serious eye disorder) and pheochromocytoma (serious gland disorder) because ephedrine aggravates these conditions.

Stop sale order
The products should also be avoided by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

It said products that contain kava, including Life Choice Kava Kava, have been associated with serious liver dysfunction and the federal government has had a stop sale order in effect since August 2002.

Health Canada said individuals who have compromised liver function because of disease, age, or drug and alcohol abuse may be at particular risk of liver toxicity in connection with kava use.

It said kava use has also been associated with adverse health effects, including an itchy, scaly skin condition known as kava dermopathy, muscle weakness and co-ordination problems.

Drugs and natural health products authorized for sale in Canada will have an eight-digit drug identification number, a natural product number or a homeopathic medicine number on the label.

According to Health Canada, these numbers indicate that the products have been assessed for safety, effectiveness and quality. Health Canada also advises Canadians to contact the Health Products and Food Branch Inspectorate at 1-800-267-9675 if they find these Life Choice products for sale in Canada.

It said it has issued warnings about ephedrine products in 2005 and 2006 and about kava products in 2002 and 2003.

If consumers have an adverse reaction to these health products, they are advised to contact the Canada Vigilance Program of Health Canada by phone, 1-866-234-2345, or e-mail:

Consumers can also write letters to: Canada Vigilance, Marketed Health Products Directorate, Ottawa, Ont., AL 0701C, K1A 0K9.
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