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I'm writing because I do not want someone else to experience what I did. Recently, I had a very unsettling experience. I walked into the pharmacy and discovered that I was no longer insured. And, the medications I needed were available to me for over $1,000. I left with a 5-day supply. I parceled out each tablet to make it last.

I am not proud of my actions. I got behind in bills and put my heathcare insurance on the back burner. With raises and bonuses cancelled this year and higher prices, the debt only escalated.

When I called my healthcare provider, I was put through a series of holds, switched departments, and then given a ultimatum. Further, it was suggested that I contact my doctor to ascertain if he could talk to the pharmacy so that I could get meds. My doctor never called. I was further told that there was a financial assistance program through which I could seek assistance. Although, there was a ton of paperwork that was required and still no assurance that I would get my meds. Moreover, I could have attempted to obtain a fee waiver from the pharmacy, but they have their own set of rules that have to be followed. I did check out of the country resources, but was afraid to order outside of USA because of laws against same.

I went through a gamut of emotions. I was literally reeling with panic. This was the first time that I've ever been without healthcare coverage and it scared me to no end. Suddenly being told that I would have to pay a horrendous amount of money caused me to realize what others are facing in this wretched economy. Without loans from family members, I would not have survived.

Please, if you have coverage and the payments are too much, seek assistance. We need our meds to survive. Without my meds, I cannot work or assist in providing for my family. Treat your coverage as you would a newborn infant.
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