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i am on the verge of accepting the fact that i may need to take some medication to function. i have been trying to fight whatever is wrong with me for years telling myself i can do it. i question weather the doctors are right. maybe they are wrong.
they told me i have a type of Schizophrenia. from reading here i think if i do DR Baxter's post on Schizotypal personality disorder may best describe whats wrong with me.

i used to get all spun out of control with parinoia but only when i had to be close to people for a job or a relationship. but now that i havent been working or having relatoinships with people the parinoia isnt really a problem.
my biggest problem is anxity and panic i get support from my parents they got me a cell phone so if i go anywhere i have it in case i start to have any problem.

any time i leave the house i have to have the phone and some ativan in my pocket just in case. i am very leary about medication even the ativan i try to only take it when absolutly needed. but it still works out over the last couple years i have needed to take it a few days on and a few day off.

i thought i had something wrong with my heart for the longest time had all kinds of test and all came back normal. but i now think i know what it is it is something to do with my stomach or intestines.

somehow something in there moves around an preses aganist my heart when this happens it stops me in my tracks and can send me into panic. having the phone i know i always have a life line in case of emergancy.

resently the phone has been cut off i now fear leaving the house so i am thinking maybe i should try some medication.

but what if the doctors are wrong what if there is something terribly wrong with my stomach i am worried that the medication could kill me. what if its not Schizophrenia and some kind of panic disorder what if they give me the wrong kind of medication. i hope i dont regret making this post

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Help with medfication issue

You really can't accurately diagnose yourself and no one can or should try to diagnose anyone online.

If you have disclosed all of your symptoms to your doctors, they are definitely in the best position to diagnose you and to recommend the type of medication and/or other treatment that will best treat you.



I am pretty sure that this is not the post that Dr. Baxter was referring to in terms of crossing the line.

I think that you have put forth some valid questions and in Dr. Baxter's response he has given you some very sound advice. I would have pretty much said the same thing as in, don't try to diagnose yourself, know your symptoms and bring them to your doctor and let them do an evaluation and determine the correct diagnosis and medication.


No don't torment yourself.....I like to abbreviate people's names if they are long as you may have seen DBC :)
Dr Baxter and Halo , are very right , your doctor will be thinking only what is good for you , he is the very best person to see and discuss medication which is appropriate for you ., as he knows your medical history .

take care and see your doctor if you are feeling very anxious .
ok thanks every one i think i am going to do it. my doctor said i could stay at the hosptial for a few days for monitering. i think this would be the best way for me


Account Closed
I can relate to what you wrote. I have PTSD and I had suffered with symtoms for years. I thought it was just me. I finally confided in my doctor about how bad things were and thankfully now I am on medication.

So Dr. B and Halo are right. Visiting your doctor is a great idea.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
i apoligize if i have crossed a line with this post DR Baxter. may be it would be better removed thanks

No, you haven't crossed a line. You're post/question is fine.

I'm just trying to advise you as to the best way to get help. We can provide advice, support, and information here, but we can't provide a diagnosis or medications.
No, you haven't crossed a line. You're post/question is fine.

I'm just trying to advise you as to the best way to get help. We can provide advice, support, and information here, but we can't provide a diagnosis or medications.

i appreciate your advice and the advice of others. i guess i wouldnt be here if i didnt want help. i cant stand it anymore so i am going to take all of your advice thank you.


Resident Canuck
I am glad you spoke to your doctor Dont Be Crazy. They will take care of you. I remember being afraid to take the medication too, but it worked out. I started to feel better.

Keep us posted on how you are feeling.

All the best wishes to you.
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