More threads by texasgirl

It's been a while since I have posted but here I am. FYI, I was able to stop seeing my therapist. When I called him and told him that I couldn't see him anymore, he asked me to come in one last time which I did. He still was talking to me about my clothes and how good I looked, etc. and all I could think of was how I could get out of there. In any case, I did and I am glad.

I did start looking for another therapist and thought I found one but they wanted more money than I could afford. I will keep looking. Still taking my meds though and I am feeling ok.

Hope everyone is ok here.

Take care,

TG :)


Glad to know you're well and welcome back to the Forum. Your participation has been missed and we hope to see you around in the future.


I remember you talking about this before. I am so glad you decided to get rid of that therapist and that you are looking for a new one. I guess that one last visit was just a nice way of showing you that you made the right decision.
Good news! I hope you find a new one soon. :2thumbs:
Hi I am glad you did what was right for you and that you are still on your medication. That took alot of strength on your part way to go. Hopefully soon you will find another therapist that will have better work ethics and will help you heal take care nice to see you back.
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