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I'm here because I just do not have the support of anyone who understands where I am at. This includes my family who think Im in a pshycho, which I am not. So I have been stereotyped as "crazy" I find this treatment very frustrating, and needed to search out support, and research to support myself. I am sure some of you have been treated this way, and understand.

A bit about me.

I have been suffering from Chronic Post traumatic Stress (PTSD) after I was bullied, stalked, and harassed by a former boyfriend over the internet. He used photos to pretend to be me online, and stole passwords to my emails and private online accounts. I am a small business owner, and he caused damage to my business. I left asap when he turned abusive, and his actions were because he was angry I walked away.

I have been in therapy since 2005, with a few breaks in between. Recovering from PTSD, and it has been a battle, as I was plagued with anxiety, sleep problems, amnesia, focus problems, and other issues. During this whole thing, the ex stalked me online. At one point the shrinks stopped therapy as it was counter productive as long as he continued. This damaged my business as it was e-commerce based. I am a single parent, so it was allot of distress as I tried to make an income. I went to the police and RCMP and they looked at evidence but wouldn't / couldn't assist me in anyway this went on from 2008 - 2011

I was abused by my step father as a child from a very young age, pre 3 years old, physically. Something which has caused allot of damage, he attempted to kill me when I was 2-3 years old by putting a bottle of Quinine down my throat. My mom was told by doctors I would not make it over night. Somehow I survived.

Yes, the police were involved. But he continued to raise me. I did not remember this happening, my mom told me before she died. But, it made sense, because I was scared of dentists, and doctors. At the dentist, as a kid, I would get anxiety, when his hands were in my mouth, gag, have problems breathing, and this persists to this day. I was never treated as a child. I also remember putting candy down my dolls mouth when i was little. I didn't know why. Its taken awhile to put the pieces of evidence and circumstances together, and realize it was him who did this.

To fight for myself, I have done a few things, to set the record straight. And even though I have PTSD I am still a fighter. I legally stopped the ex-bf from his online antics, launched a civil action, and won. That shut him down from causing my brain further damage, but am still recovering.

And, I launched an investigation against my step father for his actions towards me, not easy to do since it was along time ago. In the process of gathering documents to support claims. My family wants me to just shut up and I wont.

I was blacklisted by my family at 15 years old for telling the truth about abuse to authorities, and fighting for my rights. I would do it again, exactly the same.

Okay, there is a bit about why i am here. The problem is, the PTSD. There seems to be so many layers of trauma here its hard to get past it, although I am trying. I am also very terrified of any medical personal. I did go to shrinks, but there was so much to work on we never get to the long list. I also am angry that these people have abused me, when I did nothing to anyone. I guess I carry resentment, which isn't good at all.

So here I am. Looking for people that may understand. My family thinks I'm crazy, and have ditched me. I am struggling to move past everything. Ive only told a bit of the stuff, I just do not want to do a "dump" of information.

I look forward to the exchange :---)


MVP, Forum Supporter
I'm so sorry for the things that have happened to you Alberta and your family's reaction.

I hope that you can find lots of useful information here, and there are friendly people here who can understand these things... :)


Welcome to Psychlinks, Alberta! It sounds like you have endured some very painful experiences but nevertheless your courage has allowed you to continue advocating for yourself.

Have a look around and let us know how we can help.

Enjoy the Forum!


Account Closed
Hello Alberta, welcome! I admire your spirit and how you fought for yourself all this time! You are not a "psycho" at all, it is not like you had a choice to do something different! Keep reading on here, tons of good info in the articles to give you a start point.


Hi alberta, welcome to the forum.

There are many people in here who can actually understand what you are going through by their own experiences.

You have many layers of abusiveness that you need to work through, and there are people in here that are able to talk to you and to help you to see things better,

welcome aboard
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