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I am glad to have found a great place I wish I never needed.

I have struggled with depression most of my life. Even when I was a child I could remember always feeling sad. There was a lot of abuse in our household.

I have been on every antidepressant imaginable to man. You name it, I've been on it.

The most recent one was Pristiq. I have suspected for quite some time that I have hypothyroidism, however my Dr would not test me. Finally about 3 weeks ago after being taken to the Er I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. I took myself off Pristiq and am working with a naturopathic Dr.

I have a very low ferritin level of only 20, up from 14

My B12 is 200

I have not been able to tolerate the thyroid medications.

I went through hell to come off the Pristiq because I felt It wasn't helping me. Now I have to wonder.

The depression is so bad I'm considering hospitalizing myself. The smallest things set me off and I can't take even min. amount of stress. I'm trying to work as well.

I just pray daily for night to come so I can go to sleep.


Hi pixie, and welcome to PsychLinks.

Who put you on Pristiq? Was it a general practitioner or a psychiatrist? I'm wondering if you're currently in counseling -- if you have immediate access to mental health resources. If not, I think this needs to be a priority, especially as you're extremely depressed to the point of considering hospitalization. That might not be a bad idea, actually, because it sounds like you need to get your med situation straightened out.

Meanwhile, do you have a therapist or counselor you can run any of this by?


Hi Fiver,
Thanks for your reply.
No I don't have a counsellor. It was only a GP that prescribed the Pristiq based on a questionare. When I went back to talk to her about my thryoid testing she said NOPE your thyroid is fine, you're depressed! Double the pristiq.
I did NOT double it. The pristiq turned me into a zombie. I didn't feel anything. I had no energy and although I didn't cry much and could cope I couldn't think right either.

Yes, I may have to go to again to hospital.


I wince when I hear of GPs or Family Practitioners prescribing any type of psychotropic meds when they're out of their area of expertise. I don't want my psychiatrist interpreting my biopsy slides, and I don't want my hematologist deciding the best course of medication to treat complications of PTSD.

I won't comment on whether you need hospitalization; I'm not qualified. But my opinion is that you need someone who is TRAINED and certified to diagnose mental health disorders on your side, not just a GP.


Pixie said:
I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. I took myself off Pristiq and am working with a naturopathic Dr.

Who suggested and for what reason you stop taking the Pristiq?

Why do you feel alternative medicine is preferable to finding a GP who might serve you better or alternatively seeing a specialist as has been mentioned?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I wince when I hear of GPs or Family Practitioners prescribing any type of psychotropic meds when they're out of their area of expertise. I don't want my psychiatrist interpreting my biopsy slides, and I don't want my hematologist deciding the best course of medication to treat complications of PTSD.

I don't think that's at all fair to physicians.

Perhaps it's different in the US, I don't know. However, for first line treatment of depression and general anxiety disorder and the like, many (probably most) family physicians do in fact have the expertise to prescribe and monitor the effectiveness of appropriate medications.

Pixie, a couple of things to consider:

1. It takes time to determine the correct dose of medications for thyroid conditions, especially if your thyroid is cycling up and down, which is often the case unless it's been "knocked out" via radioactive iodine treatment. When the thyroid is cycling, it will also make it difficult to identify a thyroid problem, depending on where in the cycle you have the blood tests done. So (a) it's possible that your doctor didn't diagnose hypothyroidism because when the tests were done they didn't indicate hypthyroidism, and (b) it's also possible that the dose of your thyroid medication needs to be adjusted, or (c) it's also possible that you haven;t given it enough time.

2. Another caution is that thyroid dysfunction and depression are not mutually exclusive. You maye have both, in which case you may need to treat both. If you didn't like the side-effects of Pristiq, there are several other options.

I would suggest you go back to your family doctor and let them know what happened in the ER and have him/her reassess you.


Thanks for all your replies.
Thanks Dr Baxter. I did go to the ER last night and saw a great psychiatrist. She talked about my thryoid, low ferritin and low B12 and said I need a "Tune up". She felt perhaps increasing my nortriplyine from 25 mg @ bedtime to 75 mg could be an option and hopefully as the other three problems begin to resolve that I'll be able to cut back on the antidepressant.

The Pristiq did help with my anger , I was calmer but I also felt like I "didn't feel" anything. I believe it's important to FEEL.
I did start to take Rhodelia Rosea a few days ago and find I'm more alert .

I am going to see my GP today.

Thanks for the warm welcome !:D
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