More threads by maryellen


My name's Mary-Ellen;

They 1st got me pegged as Borderline personality disorder, and bipolar disorder.

Now they see me as schizoaffective disorder.

I'm just plain old Mary-Ellen.

I don't like labels.

I do believe "I Have" BPD and Bipolar Disorder (I am not my illness). I did a whole lot of research and understand the difference between me and my illness now.

I like to put jewelry together, and the ocean. I like a whole lot more but those two are my best.

I think I gotta go for now. Sorry for the so short intro. :eek:mg:


Re: hi everyone

Hello Mary-Ellen,

Welcome to Psychlinks! Thanks for joining us. Have a look around and feel free to jump in anytime.

I like to put jewlry together, and the ocean.

So would this mean you like pearl necklaces?...:lol:

We also like dumb jokes:rolleyes:

Enjoy the Forum..hope you find the information and support you need. Let us know how we can help.

BTW, I love the ocean as well.
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