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I'm new to this site. My name is Tanya, I'm 35 years old and a mother of 2 children (Daughter 10yrs & son 7yrs)

I guess am writtig this as I'm feeling very lost and overwhelmed.

When my son was 5yrs (Kindergarten) he was diagnosed with ADD ( Attention deficit Disorder) due to him not being able to sit still for any length of time and being very impulsive. He also drew a steak knife on me and told me he was going to stab me and then kill himself. What kids does that at 5yrs. [emoji22]

He has seen a few councilors since and was getting better. But now at 7yrs, it has started all over again.

Won't listen, constantly yelling, hitting, biting and breaking stuff, trying to run away. Getting into fights at school. He even pulled a knife on himself.

This morning he hurt himself so his nose bled and then sprayed the blood all over the bathroom.

I took him into the mental health clinic, so they are going to do a psychological evaluation but not till March.

I'm constantly in tears and scared for him, both my husband and I are lost and have run out of ideas with how to deal with this.

[emoji26] Any ideas or help is much needed.
Hi Tanya sorry it is so hard with your little one. I do hope you have a pediatric psychiatrist who is assessing your child
Someone that deals only with children ok I know you will do all you can for your child and it is good you are getting help now for him
Phone the office and see if your childs name can be put on a cancellation list to see if you can get in earlier
Welcome to Psychlinks

With the school talk to all involved with your child make sure they are on the same page as you and his health professionals are ok with the care he gets


Welcome to Psychlinks, Tanya. Thanks for joining us, and sorry to hear about your son's behavioural issues.

When my son was 5yrs (Kindergarten) he was diagnosed with ADD

Who made the diagnosis and were there any treatments initiated? Has he ever been assessed by a pediatric psychiatrist?

they are going to do a psychological evaluation but not till March

As Forgetmenot suggests, you are your son's best advocate to follow up by requesting a possible cancellation appointment due to the potential your son might harm himself or others.


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Hi Tanya, welcome! I have 10 yrs. old kids. I am sorry to hear your son has problems. Based on my own experience it is not easy to get any kind of pediatric services in Canada, especially mental health and allied health therapies (I had to deal with OT, SLP, psychologist for one of my kids). I can't believe how difficult it is for parents, faced with anything more than a cold. Even healing an ear infection in one of my kids has been a ridiculous struggle, with a couple, yes a couple of doctors missing it and one who gave him a wrong medication. That was a few years ago. I was so frustrated, that I had to bring him to only one doctor when sick, cause she was the only one to give us the right antibiotic. Parenting is not easy. I don't really know what to advise you in this situation. If you have a general pediatrician, he or she might be able to request more urgent psych evaluation and psychiatric services from a specialist. I don't know if there are children's hospitas where you live, but if the situation continues or escalates, another option would be the ER of such a hospital. They do have emergency psychiatric services available to children and you might get the process sped up and even see specialists who are not practicing in the community. It is up to you to assess the acuity of the situation, but that would be the fastest service.
Also if you can perhaps a child psychologist can help as well

They do not prescribe medication but they help with a diagnosis and give behavioral therapy for a child stage they are at

Just a thought if your insurance will cover for that and some psychologist will charge on a scale pending what you make

Just another option to take if you have not thought of it


Hi Tanya, sorry to hear of your issues with your little guy. I was wondering if you were staying local and finding services there or if you had looked in Calgary? The Children's or Foothills?


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome to the forum Tanya! Did the mental health clinic offer other forms of support for your son or your family?
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