More threads by ExplodingShrimp

Hi from New Zealand! I thought I would introduce myself. I'm from Christchurch, NZ and I love hats and tea. I'm an artist, daughter, partner, musician and student. I have recently experienced two episodes of brief reactive psychosis, depression and anxiety. My illness and recovery has inspired me to work in the field of mental health in NZ and make a positive difference, and so I am currently studying a certificate in mental health support work in Christchurch.

I am passionate about the issue of the increasing western trend towards holism in the area of treating mental health issues.

I would like to know what reader's opinions are about this. Especially with regards to alternative therapy as a true alternative to conventional medicine?

Thanks so much for your time.


Welcome to the Forum! We'll be interested in knowing more about your work.

Looking forward to your participation.
I am currently doing an assignment called relationships with pacific people, focussing on understanding the culture of different PI nations, including 2nd generation pacific islanders living in New Zealand. I started in July this year, so there's a lot to it. What specifically would you like to know? :)


ExplodingShrimp said:
My illness and recovery has inspired me to work in the field of mental health..........What specifically would you like to know?

In what field do you intend to specialize? Will you be working with patients / clients, or is your work based in research?


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome ExplodingShrimp! *dodges seafood shrapnel* :D

That sounds like really interesting work you're doing. Cultural roles in psychology/mental health is so fascinating. :)
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