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Greetings Psychlinks Community,
I'd like to introduce myself with a common problem that many people might have: procrastination. This issue has plagued me as far back as I can remember, lately it seems more severe. That statement might not be true it could be I've become more aware of it occurring. What somewhat helps is writing a list, if only I could keep wherever it is I'd write it on without losing it. I'm not putting it on my computer, I'd never open it and I already have a lot of unorganized files. I also don't have a cell phone. Although what helps is that I have a supporting partner. Unfortunately she suffers from psychological issues as well, that are medically diagnosed as untreatable. The label that she's, "untreatable" means she is very hard on herself and that really exacerbates any issues we have as any couple. I am very hard on her, her family is especially difficult and her diagnosis of, "untreatable" affects her on a daily, or more likely, hourly basis. Her life is not easy and I, if anything, make her life worse. Our relationship is definitely one of co-dependence. But I am happy, and she says she's happy too. I believe we're right for each other or at least more right for one another than anyone else for each other. I feel that she understands me and is a great partner with who I can see myself with for the rest of my life. I don't think it's unkind for me to say that her label of 'untreatable' coupled with her sense of negative self image keeps her from meeting new people or even finding someone better than myself; so I have a good catch on my hands. This obviously works in my favor, I know that her illness is something that was definitely never an issue but complements my personality and my life. I'm not sure what I'm asking for but I know on some level she's aware of the dichotomy of our situation. Thanks for reading my wall of text. Any comments or messages, I'll welcome; gladly.

Anyone know how to add a custom avatar, there is no option to do so in the avatar section and I can only choose preset options? Maybe a moderator can 'unlock' this option for me so I can upload a picture?


Pirate Bay,

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