More threads by Nicollette


Hello everyone,

I found this forum through a search engine. I am a married stay-at-home wife with a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder along with depression and seasonal affective disorder.

I hope to find a way to reduce my xanax further from 1.75mg. I have tapered down from 3mg. and seem to be stuck there. Anyway, glad to "meet" you !



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Welcome to psychlinks Nicollette! :) I also suffer from depression and anxiety. This is a great place to get some of your questions answered. So please, feel free to post with questions and to participate in other threads here too. :)


Resident Canuck
:hithere: Nicollette :welcome: to Psychlinks.

This is a great forum, the best I have found.

Tapering off medication should always be supervised by your doctor. That way they can monitor any withdrawl effects or signs of relapse.

There are many so many coping stratagie topics avaliable on this forum. Ofcourse, we are always here for you too.

Again :welcome: I am glad you joined us. :D
Hi and welcome!

You'll find LOTS of helpful information and advice here to help you out-- as well as lots of wonderful people who'll be there for you whenever you need it. Glad you found your way here!



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Ok - hijacking the thread for a minute (and it's your fault Nicollette) - what an adorable dog!!! I love those dogs.

Ok - back to welcoming you to the forum (although the avatar may be a little distracting for me) ;)


Thanks Charity, this seems like a great place! This time of year I barely leave my house due to the SAD and the weather.

I am happy to have found this forum. I have been in a depression again after having improved over the summer and fall. I hope to contribute in a positive way here.

Nicollette added 1 Minutes and 54 Seconds later...

Jazzey, thanks - I love my Cavaliers so much. The girl in the avatar is going to be 11 in June!

Thanks for the welcome Into the Light
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Welcome to Psychlinks Nicollette :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:
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