More threads by Bubbleteawoman

Hi, this is my first time posting here. A friend recommended this website to me and so I thought I would check it out.

My name is Amanda and I've struggled with generalized anxiety and panic attacks most of my life. When I was 22, I developed severe agoraphobia and was house bound for almost 4 years. I'm 29 now, and no longer have agoraphobia, but still struggle with anxiety/panic on a daily basis. I also have severe ocd and trichotillomania. Life has not been easy but I do believe that everything happens for a reason and though I wouldn't wish this anxiety on my worst enemy, it's made me the person I am today.

At almost the age of thirty, I am just now finishing my B.A. I had originally started University ten years ago but dropped out by the end of my third year due to the severeness of my panic attacks. I am now finishing my degree online and hope that one day everything will fall into place again. In the meantime, I am living life one day at a time and trying to accept the cards I have been dealt.



Welcome to Psychlinks Bubbleteawoman!:2thumbs:

Look forward to seeing you around the forum. I have always wanted to try bubble tea!:)
Hi Bubbleteawoman,

Welcome aboard! I'm sure you will find lots of help and friendly people here at psychlinks. I used to suffer from OCD for many years, now have largely (90%) gotten past it with only residual obsessions remaining. So there is hope when dealing with OCD. I'm a tea fan myself, but mostly like traditional loose-leaf green, white and oolong teas.

Welcone to Psychlinks, Bubbleteawoman.

What IS bubble tea, anyway? :blank:

Bubble tea is like... any flavour you can think of (strawberry, coconut, almond, honeydew, ect) mixed with milk (optional) and added tapioca pearls or jelly candies that you suck through with a big straw. It's quite yummy :)


When we were kids, we used to refer to tapioca pudding as "fish eyes in glue". :panic:
Despite your appetite-suppressing description David, I still like tapioca pudding! :lol:

Bubbleteawoman, welcome to the forum... I'm very new here, but everyone is so warm & welcoming... you'll find yourself right at home in no time!

Congratulations on pursuing your B.A. ... that's just FANTASTIC that you've been able to continue your education with the agoraphobia & panic/anxiety... sounds like you have great tenacity & determination. :2thumbs:
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