More threads by Rebel



A little bit about me. I'm from the south in the USA and I suffer from depression, and nervous anxiety. I hate seeing doctors and begging for medications.

I have 3 children and a husband who puts up with me. I have 2 grandchildren and lots of friends that live nearby. I love boating and fishing and flowers, but family comes first.:dimples:

Anyway, I just wanted to say "howdy" and hope to meet some new friendly people here.



Welcome to Psychlinks, SF!

as I am sure you know, depression and anxiety disorder are two very treatable illnesses.

Why are you specifically apprehensive about seeking help from your doctor? Did you have a previous unpleasant experience?

I don't believe it is ever necessary to beg a physician for appropriate medications, and the medications generally used to treat the illness and disorder you described are commonly prescribed.

Do you have easy access to filling your prescriptions?

Hope you find Psychlinks Forum helpful and informative.

Please allow us to help you through this difficult time.


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Hi SilverFairy

Welcome to Psychlinks. :welcome2:

BTW - Love your avartar. See you in the forums. :)


Welcome to Psychlinks SilverFairy :welcome2:

I hope that you enjoy the forum and I hope to see you around :wave:


I want to thank all you very kind people that greeted me. I've just been having a rough couple of days, well a whole week. I also have a dh that just hates me being on the computer when he is around. :hissyfit:

I love him very much, but what can I say. Next week he will be at work all week, but that won't be until Monday. I'm sure you can understand, I hope. He feels neglected. If I'm doing this: :geek:
I can't wait on this ::bart:

Don't worry~I'm not a one post type person, and when I can I will be checking in! Thanks again for all the sweet welcomes!:)

P.S. No, I haven't found your socks yet, still looking. :D
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