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Hi, I just thought I would introduce myself. I am katie from the uk. I came across this site as I was looking up ASPD as an ex and father of my eldest(I have three children).He has been identified as having this by a clinical psychologist during a family law case. He is wanting unsupervised contact to our daughter. I left the relationship when she was a baby due to his behaviour towards me and our baby.

Just trying to educate myself on this really as I am concerned that my daughter herself is showing signs of agression, pushing boundaries, being very controling of her brothers, constantly lying and getting pleasure out of negative attention.

I am not diagnosing her with the same thing as her father but I have considered the possibility of this being genetic and nothing we do seems to work. I've been fighting for years to protect her from abuse from her natural father but she has become abusive towards her brothers in particular our middle child who has autism/developmental delay. There isn't much help at all for people in our situation and I am just here to learn more about this.
Hi Katie nice to have you here Is there no way to have your child see a psychiatrist there pediatric psychiatrist okay one who is more attuned the childhood mental illness
I think it would help you to know what exactly it is you daughter has so treatment can be started soon. The sooner you start treatment hun the better outcome there is for stability in your child life hugs


Welcome to Psychlinks, Katie! Hope you find the information and support you are seeking.

As has been said, having your daughter evaluated by a competent mental health specialist would be an important first step to understanding her behavior
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