Hi, where do I begin, my life is like most of the people on here, Somedays are great others not so much but you have to give each day it's chance to prove itself. I live with bipolar and my boyfriend is the cutest narcissist in the world and we have made another little human, mental struggles are yet to be discovered, trying not to inflict any on him myself. I see my boyfriend and I has manic & depressive a couple of opposites that balance the other out, but sometimes the scales tip wrong direction in our minds and it not a pretty sight.
Apart from a lobotomy how do you keep in love with oneside of a personality and be enemies with the other, how can the two meet in the middle and make up?
Apart from a lobotomy how do you keep in love with oneside of a personality and be enemies with the other, how can the two meet in the middle and make up?