More threads by Random


Hi how are you guys doing ? This seems like a great forum to learn about myself and the human psyche generally, knowledge is power.

I'm 24 years old, male.

Well psychology seems great and useful and I want your feedback on some things. This seems like a good forum, not like or where flaming and ignorance are in pretty much every thread.

I'm currently unemployed, aspiring musician, gonna find a job soon at least during summer time I can work at the Croatian beach which pays off well.

I dropped out of college twice, speak Croatian, English and German fluently but wasn't too good in school.

I like MMA and kickboxing, urban music and some rock stuff, nutrition.. the USA. Intelligent people who can hold a conversation are great.

I used to play lots of video games now just occasionally with my brother.

I also like smilies in chats / forums even though some say they are not manly :=) .

I already can sense the intelligence coming out of our future discussions, I believe in God but am not very religious so to say a theist, well anything is possible. I love evolution and genetics science and scientific reasoning to topics.

My sleeping habits are bad it's literary 4 in the morning here. But I like waking up to responses to a thread I make.

I hope I'll get some interesting replies as in comments about anything I've said (like your opinion on MMA or any urban music artist that you like), as I kinda expect everyone to just be "welcome, nice that you are here", which is cool too.

Glad to be here virtually
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Hello Random,

I am curious about your interest in MMA, specifically have you had any training, do you prefer any specific martial art and what brought you to psychlinks?


What to say, thanks for the welcomes.

@ Budoaiki

I trained on and off for 7 years mostly boxing cause that was the only combat sport in my 6000 people town. Then when I went to coleague I trained MMA and Muay thai for 3 months before I droped out of coleague. Inbetween I practiced kicks at home at my heavybag which is in pieces by now cause I couldn't hang it up corectly on the ceiling not from force of strikes, and also did some mma grapling (jiujitsu, wrestling, judo) with a local mma fighter who trains mma at another city we would "roll" after boxing classes at times. Also I sparred people sometimes at bodybuilding gyms for fun, not hard sparring. And I trained for 3 days at a private gym in my town with just 1 guy who made the training consist of warm ups and sparring , then a little heavybag or weightlifting. Basicaly to much hard sparring so I stopped as I prefer lighter or medium sparring cause I'm selfcouncious about getting brain damage. He is kind of a thug a little bit, there were 2 other kids with no fighting expirience and he'd just spar them, even tough not at 100 % but he'd go to hard on them considering they were just beginers, kinda like they were target practice for him.

I actualy don't call these sports martial arts but combat sports as I'm not interested in traditional martial arts like Karate or wing chu. For me it has to be realistic, I don't like how they drop their other hand ot the waist while they punch straight in karate. And those so called kate's look like dancing to me. But I don't wanna disrespect any traditional martial arts as people are free to do what they want to, if they enjoy it why not. Also there are great K1 fighters with karate backgrounds, mostly shotokan I think as that's the hardest form of karate if I'm not mistaken. Karate guys in K1 usualy have amazing kicks like Feitosa, Pitchkunov and Shilt.

I'm a K1 and MMA fan. I also do like the grapling part in mma. I got interested in combat sports just by watching K1 on television, when Remy Bonjasky first became champion with his spectacular kicks and knees.

The funy or sad part is that I originaly registered here to get some feedback bout having some kind of anxiety of bar fights that I developed. I didn't have it back when I would go out every weekend. Now after quiet some time going out I do have soem anxiety getting into fights. I'll make a seperate thread about it. Yeah I know sad that somebody who knows how to fight is worried / afraid about getting into fights. Now street fights don't bother me much but bar fights seem way to dangerous as a lot of things could potentialy happen, worst case people stomping your head while you are on the ground. Also I'm worried about being ashamed if I would back out of a fight or something similar like freezing up. I'm also rather worried about brain damage from fights as that could cause mental problems in the future, I already had some issues I wanna keep private. But basicaly it's unjustified cause people get into fights all the time and 1 potential fights shouldn't make a big difference unless you get really unlucky and something happens like you get knocked down and hit your head on the concrete hard and get brain hemoraging.

I would go out on weekends if it wasn't for this however I'm big into music and I don't like the music that is played ehre anyways, but if i lived let's say in the usa I'd go out regulary cause the music I enjoy would be worth what anxiety I might have.

But yeah it's a longer story I'll tell it in a seperate thread to get some help about it.

I think I just have a rather bad flight or fight reaction as my genetic reaction might be more toward flight then fight I'm not sure. I know everyone get's nervous about fights, UFC champion George st. piere says he's scared to death before fights but that's part ofthe game. My father totaly is a non fighter so I might have it from him, I don't know about my mothers side. See you can learn to fight but you'll still have your genetic makeup about being scrappy or not, however it can be trained but it's still probably a 50 % / 50 % thing. My friends who I know I'm better at fighting as in I could beat them in a real fight are way less nervous bout it when going out, but well everybody has some less good genes and some better ones.
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I wouldn't consider those bad instincts. Fight or flight is a perfectly natural response which in my opinion isn't dictated by genetics but by state of mind.

For example; Why waist your time and energy fighting someone whose insecure to the point of where he needs to go out get drunk and bash someone's head in make them feel better or in misguided effort to repair some shattered sense of self confidence. I am sure you've seen the type at the bar looking for any provocation for a fight.

Of course there are also those who feel the need to test their proverbial metal (or training) so to speak and actively seek opportunities to do so outside the dojo but that's a choice that depends on your own personal philosophy or ethos. (And frankly something that should be of great concern to their instructor before allowing them to train.)

From my perspective proficiency in any martial art or any type of training is always going to be governed and limited by the state of mind. My choice was and still is Aikido which is considered by many to be one of the softer martial arts and some don't even consider it a true martial art because the training is seen as soft and dance like and because we don't have traditional full contact jiyu kumate style training like Shotokan or Uechi Ryu which I consider to be the hardest form of karate. (I have a few friends who've lost teeth and broken bones in training Uechi Ryu and if you really want to know how to take a blow sanchin isn't something to be ignored.)

I can say from experience that it is truly effective in real world scenarios where I have been forced to disarm someone with a knife and defend myself in some unfortunate circumstances. I think what truly made (and makes) it effective (other than the amount of training) was and is that I agree with the ethics of the art itself.

When confronted with violence I am calm, I don't act blinded by rage, anger, pride or fear in defending myself but with the clarity of a peaceful mind body and soul where I rely on the established instincts from my training. The reason being I see violence as an act of desperation and when confronted with it I am fearful of injury yes but I am also compassionate because I see it as an act of desperation and fear.

I don't seek confrontation and I don't fear it, I know when I have the choice to walk away that it's not weak or cowardly to do so if can because there is always the potential for serious harm or even death depending on the circumstance and that's never something to be taken lightly.

No matter which art you choose or how many they all have their merits, their weaknesses and strengths but in my opinion it all comes down to what's in your heart I.E. what are you training for and why.

So if you choose to walk or have to run away at least you know why but can the person who's looking to fight say the same?


It's a 6000 people town, with vilages surounding counted in os if you'd ran everyone would know. Unfortunaly most don't have the mature mindset of me and you and a friedn actualy bothered me twice about not liking to fight in bars but being into combat sports. Last time he actualy he pretended that he was gonna start a fight with a few guys next ot us ot test my reaction. I didn't get scared just told him not to that he doesn't have a reaso, he lied he had a issue with the guy before and also that he threw the beer bottle on the ground close to us on purpose. And then he was joking liek hahaha you shitted your pants, now that didn't bother me as I was not scared just unhappy bout the situation to say so.

Geroge st piere ufc welterweight champion himself said that he would refuse a fight outside of the sport. Well what can you do the mentality here is just like that.

It was my dream to become a pro fighter however I was probably softer then the average but really into it so made up with inteligence as strategies and skills go. And you cna be the toughest guy if your skills are way worse then mine I'm still gonna beat you.

I actualy never ever trained for self defense as I was and am only interested in it as a sport, sure it's important ot be able to defend yourself but I never wanted to train for hours upon hours just be able to defend myself in case something happens which is unlikely.

I agree that attackers and people looking for fights have issues or are just dumb to think injuring others makes them way more manly, ok if you find someone else who wants to test their manlines but ruining other peoples nights is not alright.

Also I don't even wanna injure others.

I guess i already now I can fight and don't have that motivation to get into fights to proove something to myself and unfortunaly in my part of the world people might be pretty primitive overal comapred to the rest of the world.
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