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So i'm new here and wanna introduce myself. I've been a psychiatric patient for 2 years now, although I had a therapist (who I hated) as an adolescent. I believe I lived a quite normal life and had a girlfriend for 3 years.

Then things changed, and I don't really know what or why, but I started getting more and more paranoid. I almost commited suicide because I thought a neighbour was goint to kill me. (I didnt wanna wait for him to do it).

After this I got help. I still have delusions, they say. I feel that some people can read my thoughts. I'm not sure if I'm human. I hate the world (because it hates me), but still I feel like i'm one of the most important people on earth. Cause I have a lot of knowledge. And I 'm gonna change the world, and make it a better place. At the moment i'm studying 1200 articles of science in the fields of sociology and psychology. I'm not sure how I got this mission or by whom. Maybe I won't get the answer until I die.

I live quite isolated. The more days without company, the better it is. You can't trust people. You never know if someone will get mad and do bad things with you.

Of course all this is something my therapist and I am talking about. And I have told him that i'm open to believe in him that this is delusions and schizophrenia. I have no prestige in proving the opposite.

I should also mention that I care about others.
Hi Fanning welcome to Psychlinks lot of literature on schizophrenia here I am glad you have a therapist and doctor to help you hun hugs
Hello, you!

Welcome to the forum, Fanning!

Should be lots of info in this forum for you... You can search by putting key words in the search engine up on the right of this page, for starters.
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