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I am a widowed mother of a teenage daughter who may suffer from a borderline personality disorder. Reason I say may suffer is because I can not get her to see someone to diagnose it. My daughter is 16years and to make it even more complicated, she had a baby boy this past March.

I am so new to this type of forum. Any forum for that matter. I am hoping that anyone would have a suggestion of how I can help to deal with this.

She has a major problem with anger and takes everything out on me. She has even gotten physical with me.

any information I would truly appreciate.
Re: hi

Hi Pattero, welcome to the forum :)
I am so very sorry about the loss of your husband. It would be helpful to know what age your daughter was when she lost her Daddy.
Anger is not always a symptom of a disorder, your child is only sixteen and having to cope with motherhood.
Being sixteen is a difficult age for any teenager in normal circumstances.

Has your daughter seen a psychologist in order to help her with her premature motherhood? She must feel very scared and confused with this huge responsibility on her shoulders, at an age when she is still defining who she is, and her peers are doing all the light hearted things that teenagers do at sixteen.


Re: hi

Welcome Pattero:wave4:

I agree with everything Whitepage said. Your daughter also has raging hormones as a teenager and now with the baby they really must be all over the place. I agree she may just need someone to talk to.

Also I don't think they typically diagnose someone under the age of 18. I may be wrong about that though. It could just be for certain disorders or illnesses.
Your daughter may just have borderline traits as well. It may not be a disorder. The good news is that if you can get her in to see someone, sooner rather then later so she can learn coping skills now, your daughter will have the tools to manage her anger and emotions before she gets any older and has the rest of the world on her shoulders. Not that she isn't dealing with a lot now. Just saying sooner is better than later.

Anyway, these are just my thoughts on what you wrote. I am not a professional.

Welcome to Psychlinks. If you have any problems with the forum or how it works there are plenty of people around to guide you. :goodjob:
Take care

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome, pattero.

One thing I often say to parents is that anger is the first symptom you typically see in teenagers but quite often that's just what they are allowing other so see, i.e., it may well be the surface symptom hiding anxiety, depression, grief, low self-esteem, etc., underneath. That makes it important to try to look past that surface anger to try to identify what is underneath.

You indicate that you are a widow. How long ago did you lose your husband? i.e., how old was your daughter at the time? How did and she you cope with that loss?

What other changes has she experienced in her life (and your life) in the past few years or so?


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