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I was born and raised at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. In my household growing up; I was a Jehovahs Witness, but I am not a active member and have not been for my adulthood. My parents divorced when I was a teenager. I have 1 older brother by 10 years. My dog is my whole life, I honestly dont know what I would do without her. She is the sparkle in my day. I own my own business, and am preparing to start my Bachelors in Psychology. I am desperately trying to end my second marriage. We have been separated for over two years. I have no children. I have severe mental illness, I have had major depression the longest, all my life. I have been going through interminable traumatizing things, for about 6 years now. I know that I need some positive support, and maybe some answers, but I am too introverted at this time to do this in person. I saw your website on Google, and it looked like a friendly place to make a new support system.


Welcome to Psychlinks Sapphire!:2thumbs: Sorry to hear you are struggling. You have come to a very supportive place! I hope you are able to browse through the many articles and resources as well to find any sort of info your looking for. Be well.


Hi Sapphire :) If it is positive support you desire, you have come to the right forum! Welcome to Psychlinks!

Your dog sounds amazing! Have a great day!
Hi Sapphire nice to meet you welcome to Psychlinks hopefully in time you will get the strength to reach out for some support in real life as well. This is a good start though reaching out here to others that can relate to you and you to them


Welcome Sapphire and thanks for joining us. Have a look around Psychlinks to acquaint yourself with the Forum, and let us know if you need help navigating.

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