More threads by ShinyThings

I'm 13, 14 in the summer.
Youngest maybe?
I'm coping with grief and it's doing things to me, found this off another forum.
I hope this would be help, I also find myself not eating trying to follow the ''thinspiration'' trend. Hi, I'm Mari. Nice to meet you all. :heart:


Hi Mari and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you found this forum as there is a lot of great information and resources here to be had. You say that you are dealing with grief and so you may want to check out the Grief Forum as well as the Eating Disorders: General and Anorexia and Bulimia Forums for the "thinspiration" trend that you talk about. As I said, lots of great information in there to read.

I hope to see you around the forum :wave:


Hi Mari,

You are to be commended to get help to deal with your eating and grief. Let us know how we can help.

Welcome to Psychlinks!:)
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