More threads by surferdude3

Hi everyone,

I've been diagnosed with a mental illness since 1996 and had my share of ups and downs with it. It seems to be okay as long as I take my meds. It's caused me to do some irrational things though, but that was when I wasn't on my meds. It's pretty much managable, I just can't work and that is a pain. It's hard to fill the day with stuff to do. I'm trying to work from home and see how that works out. It's the boredom I can't stand, anyway, enough from me.


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Hi Surferdude. :)

Welcome to Psychlinks. :welcome2: Plenty to read in the forums which can keep you busy for quite a while.

I am long term disability too, because of PTSD. Once in a while I feel bored, but I have to admit, not that often. I know I can't handle the stress of a job so I volunteer my time instead.

Have you considered volunteering?

Glad your here. :)

Yeah I have. I'm trying to get a part time job to supplement my disability income though. I have thought about volunteering though and looked into it, but not that seriously. I'd rather work and get some income coming in because if I have to go somewhere, I might as well get paid for it, even though there is some satisfaction in volunteering different from working.

welcome surferdude :wave4:

i was wondering what kinds of interests you have. do you think you could do some part time work working for yourself somehow?


Welcome to Psychlinks Surferdude :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around the board :wave:
Into the light,

I've thought about mowing lawns, it's getting out the door day after day that get's me, doing the same thing everyday takes a toll on me. Right now I'm working on passing out leaflets to get some extra money.
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