More threads by Ashley-Kate

for so many of us the holidays is not a moment we anticipate quite like our familly and friends. and i wanted to post this to help some people out through this period of the years to make it as fun as it can be! so here are some tools that i currently use in my quest for wellness.

- talk to your familly tell them as much as you can and also as much as they can take so that they can be supportive through this period and others so that they know what to expect tell them your difficulties and when you will mostly need their help.
- stay with people
- just because it is the holidays doesn't mean you have to eat a lot, prepare a plate or if you are unable to do so ask a familly member but prepare a nicely balanced meal dont go overboard cause you will just feel guilty after you are doing this for yourself not to impress anyone go to your beet.
- have fun enjoye yourself as hard as it might be keep yourself busy try to think of other stuff then food when the meals are done you dont have to stay around the food if it makes you feel bad.
- don't try to do any life changing things in this periode to make people happy or to prove to yourself anything. take baby steps cause if you try to reach to high you will be dissapointed when you fall if you fall...
- believe in yourself
- don't go off to a diner party thinking it will be horrible go with a positive attitude. encourage yourself

happy holidays!
love ya !


Resident Canuck
Re: happy holidays

Those are some great holiday tips Ashley-Kate.

Thanks for sharing those :D

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