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I'm ashamed to admit it...BUT, I have friends who have been gathering the hair off of their 4 dogs for the past few years. Why, you ask? Not to create toys for them...They've found a local knitter who is willing to knit the fur into sweaters for both of them...Ewww. :yuck: :)

This video reminded me of that. :)


I also know some people who have knit with dog fur. My husband and I just chuckle about it. We wonder if you wear a sweater made from dog fur and you go out in the rain, do you smell like wet dog?:lol:

A friend of ours decided that she wanted to make a sweater out of fur from her cat. She was so disappointed when it didn't work. Instead she made a sweater out of yarn that matched her cat's fur. It was pretty funny.


We wonder if you wear a sweater made from dog fur and you go out in the rain, do you smell like wet dog?:lol:

Mmmmm, I'd sure love to bottle that smell! (Sarcasm lol)

How bizarre you and Jazzey's friends are. lol I tease I'm sure they are wonderfully smelling, fluffy people. :teehee:
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