More threads by Mashka

Think of every failure as a learning curve.
Remember that people can be blinded by their own good intentions.
Accept that there is something to be learned from everyone and everything.
Life is unpredictable at times but that's why it's exciting.
To make a mistake is human.
To acknowledge it and apologize is humane and it can help others heal as well as ourselves.
Help someone when they least expects it, it could be when they need it most.


Start with yourself. Carry true love in your heart. And set the example. Never believe you are too small.
Because homo sapiens has despoiled the paradise this planet was and still is in rare hidden places , the obvious rational pragmatic but very radical solution would be the extinction of homo sapiens , but the saving grace of our species is the growing though still minority consciousness that a little true humility as to our supposed supremacy is a good idea . As a species our adaptability has been our sucess and our downfall , this same adaptability could now be put to a different use with a new sense of responsibility and respect towards all life on this incredibly beautiful planet .
( I know how very pompous that sounds , but I truly believe that )


Harness the power of youth. If you have seen the footage of the flood in Fargo, North Dakota, and have followed even a bit of the story, one can see that college and secondary students held back a river. I have family in the area. My 14 year old niece worked more than 40 hours building dikes. So did her friends. The world is going to be ok with kids like this at the helm!
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