More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Limited Time Offer: One Click to Keep Your OneDrive Free Storage at 15GB
by Jojo Yee, Gizmo's Freeware
December 16, 2015

For all users of OneDrive, Microsoft will decrease the free storage space from 15GB to just 5GB and discontinue the 15GB camera roll storage bonus in early 2016 according to The OneDrive Blog.

But here's good news. If you want to keep the above 15GB + 15GB free storage even after the changes roll out, you still have a good chance to do so before end of January 2016 ? just click "Keep your free storage" at this link and sign in to your Microsoft account to activate such free storage. Once activated, your account will not be affected by the upcoming storage changes.

If you have an additional "loyalty bonus" of 10GB in your account, this bonus won't go away with the changes as confirmed by Douglas Pearce, Microsoft's Group Program Manager for OneDrive in his tweet.

Microsoft has been changing the free storage quota since its launch of the service and here is a bit of the history.
In 2012, Microsoft reduced the free storage from 25GB to 7GB in SkyDrive (now known as OneDrive) while existing users were offered a free upgrade to retain the 25GB free storage.

In 2014, the default free storage of 7GB increased to 15GB. Users who had the old 25GB of free space will notice a split of storage into 15GB free and 10GB labelled as "loyalty bonus".

If you've activated camera roll backup on a mobile device, you will also get an additional 15GB free storage as "camera roll bonus" while still available.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Odd. It's loading instantly for me. Maybe try a different browser?

Do you have a One Drive account? That's the Windows 10 successor to SkyDrive.


It's working OK now. I have several Onedrive accounts that I use for various projects I am involved with. Hope I can save the storage for each one.


Thanks for that notification and link, David. I updated all my Onedrive accounts to save my storage.

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