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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Eight Tips on How to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer
by V. Laurie
7 April 2013

If there is one thing that can be annoying about a smartphone, it’s a battery that runs down too soon. Here are some tips on how to keep that battery power flowing. The details of configuring settings vary somewhat among the different platforms but these items are worth looking at.

  1. Dim the screen
    Lighting up the screen is one of the big power consumers. This is one place to conserve a lot of battery capacity. Although you may have an automatic display brightness control, it is still a good idea to adjust brightness manually. Displays are often much brighter than needed and you can really add to the battery life by using only as much brightness as needed.
  2. Turn off the vibrator
    Of course, if you are in a big meeting and expecting an important call you’ll leave it on. But often, there is no real need for it.
  3. Turn off Bluetooth
    Unless you are connecting to other devices, there is no need for this
  4. Only use 4G/LTE connections when you need to
    4G /LTE radios are voracious consumers of power. If you can use a Wi-Fi hotspot, save energy (and maybe money) by turning your data connection off.
  5. Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use
    This is the converse of tip number 4. If you are not using a hot-spot to connect, there is no need to have the Wi-Fi connection running
  6. Limit use of GPS location services
    Shut off Notifications, or limit the number of apps that can use your location to those that really need it. A lot of apps constantly checking your location can be a power drain (not to mention a privacy problem)
  7. Check for email manually (Push)
    Instead of automatically checking every 15 minutes or whatever interval is normally set, check your email yourself (but not too often)
  8. Turn off apps running in background
    It’s easy to end up with a host of apps running in the background. Not only do they consume power but they can use enough memory to slow down your device. Turn them off when you are finished.


I use airplane mode when I am not expecting calls, don't want it to ring or I'm sleeping. It's my alarm clock too....I am so tethered to that device!


How and when to use airplane mode

No. 2: To unplug for awhile

As we just discussed, when Airplane Mode is turned on, all connections to your iPhone are turned off. This is a great way to unplug, to spend some time with your family, or just to take a break from the beeps that seem to control our lives sometimes. With the demand of constantly being connected, it's easy to get in the habit of checking your e-mail every time you hear a beep.

Putting your iPhone in Airplane Mode puts you back in control. You may be surprised how quickly you forget that your connection is turned off, and how peaceful your night can be. This is also a great way to silence your phone during important meetings. Don't worry, all of your messages will be waiting when you turn Airplane Mode off.
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