More threads by ndondo


Hi all
I come here to get some insight on how to understand my wife's fear.

in June 2008 my wife came back from asia which is 23 hours flight and the time difference was 12 hour ahead. When she come back to Canada, as usual we will have some jet lag. But this time she developed a big fear that left a scar until today. The bad experience of unable to sleep in June 2008 caries on until today.

She said right before going to bed. her mind just racing and trying to figure out the best way to rest her mind. And because of an event in June 2008, she has this fear that it will happens again. She said that it's like she forgets how to sleep... so she tried different things, like remembering when she was still a child how she put to bed, and what she is thinking while closing her eyes, etc., etc.

I must say I don't know 100% how she feels or what she feels, I just tried to understand as much as I can

I thought by posting here I can get some insight?

thanks :)


and because of an event in june 2008

Hello ndondo,

Is the event that seems to be affecting her sleep to this day, the fact that she was unable to sleep during the 12 hour flight, or was there something else that upset her in connection with that trip?

Has she ever discussed her difficulty with sleep with her doctor?


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First off - Welcome to Psychlinks. :)

It sounds like you love your wife very, very much. Has she talked to a therapist about this fear? I am glad your supportive of her. Sometimes it's also good to get the perspective of a therapist, who is objective, and can help your wife get through this.

It may be a good idea to bring up the subject and sees what she says. Another option is for her to talk to her doctor about what is going on.

Hope some of this helps.


wow good resource guys

The more I read. the more I find links that points me to the right direction.
She wants to speak to a doctor when it gets worse. so far she said she can handle it well.

there are times / months where it gets really worse. but there are other days that gets better.

thx for the article. that's what she has been doing actually.

I also read some of the article I find in this forum about the relation of Thyroid to sleep problem, low energy, fatique.. ect ect .... :2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:
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