More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
How To Use Google?s New Privacy Settings
The Vuze Blog
June 25, 2015


Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? Google! Google! Yay! We?re cheering Google for their recent changes and update to launching a unified privacy and security menu for users. The search engine giant has consolidated privacy settings into a single hub called My Account.

My Account lets you control, protect and secure your account from one location. So, instead of clicking through a series of sub-menus and different platforms you can login to one place and take back your private information. By centralizing how you safeguard your data Google is hoping to fortify the trust relationship it has with users.

The fastest way to access My Account is via From here you can see the information about you that Google is storing and collecting. Edit and adjust settings through Personal Info and Privacy to limit or grant permission to different types of personal information.

Through Privacy Check-up you can review privacy settings, check account history and shut off or purge historical account data, such as browsing history, device shared content and more.

There?s also an area for adjusting Google Ads. Sadly, you can?t eliminate Google Ads from being served, but you can tailor settings so that you see more relevant advertisements.
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