More threads by AmZ


Hi everyone,

How's everyone doing today?

What are your plans for the day ahead of you?

AmZ :eek: (I blush when I speak to groups of people)
I am being lazy right now. Getting ready to put Josh down for a nap which he's not crazy about.

Later we have to go out to the store.


Hi AmZ!

We started the day with a bike ride and are now preparing for Thanksgiving Day (celebrated in the U.S.) on Thursday. A group of our friends (24) are getting together for a pot luck Thanksgiving Day dinner where everyone brings a dish to share.

Then on Friday is shopping chaos as Black Friday introduces Christmas shopping mayhem. All over the U.S. stores will be opening from midnight Friday morning to attract shoppers, while some people have already camped out in front of stores to be the first ones in.

I may pick up one or two Black Friday items, but won't be out until after the sun rises!

Otherwise, I plan to be out on the golf course and I still have some corian carving projects in the works.

There just are not enough hours in the day to get done the things I have planned!

You are sounding in good spirits, and I hope your week will be a good one.



I'd love to have a Thanksgiving Day here :) Yours sounds especially nice with what you have planned.

Ah, Black Friday - I remember seeing about this on TV. I was watching 'Mall Cops' a reality show which follows the security guards duties in and around the malls of the US. If I remember rightly, I think they said that it's the busiest day of the year in that particular mall (at least).

Carving projects and golf - sounds like you have a great amount of hobbies there Steve. You should post some of your carving projects here, it'd be great to see them.

I am feeling somewhat OK today thank you. All of the staff at the hospital were off today on an outing together asides from a few nurses we had here - So we had like a weekend day here. I was not looking forward to it because of the lack of things to do but I ended up getting through it fine. A few intrusive thoughts but nothing major. Back to real hospital life tomorrow. And I'll be finding out about them changing my anti-depressant also so I hope for some good positive news and perhaps finding the right medication for me :eek:


MVP, Forum Supporter
Hope you are having a good day AMZ, I am jealous of the Black Friday shopping Steve is going to. I have always wanted to try that but I hate line ups so maybe it is just as well that I don't.

It is a chilly night where I live but I am settling down by my fireplace and hopefully find something good on to watch as I dont feel like bundling up to face the prairie winds tonight.


H! AmZ :eek: "(I blush when I speak to groups of people)" I know what that is like! I guess the day is almost over and it really was not so great but I will try to think of the good things. I saw my doctor today and she is very nice, intelligent, and cheerful. The weather was not too cold and lots of sunshine. There are nice people here and a 'just for fun' section that might cheer me up a bit. Enjoy your evening!


A welcome post AmZ. You seem positive tonight, and the replies to your post are genuine. Nothing heavy, just a good, simple, plain question......."hows everybody doing". How are you doing?


Hope you are having a good day AMZ, I am jealous of the Black Friday shopping Steve is going to. I have always wanted to try that but I hate line ups so maybe it is just as well that I don't.

It is a chilly night where I live but I am settling down by my fireplace and hopefully find something good on to watch as I dont feel like bundling up to face the prairie winds tonight.

You need to on online for the sales then, as Daniel said!
Ah, a lovely fireplace with cold weather outside - Reminds me of good old England. I hope you found something to watch!

Many of the Black Friday deals are online, too :woohoo:

H! AmZ :eek: "(I blush when I speak to groups of people)" I know what that is like! I guess the day is almost over and it really was not so great but I will try to think of the good things. I saw my doctor today and she is very nice, intelligent, and cheerful. The weather was not too cold and lots of sunshine. There are nice people here and a 'just for fun' section that might cheer me up a bit. Enjoy your evening!

Hi Mari,
Oh, blushing is my top thing that I hate. I feel the blood rushing to my head and I say to myself "oh no, here is comes". (Maybe that's part of the problem!). I blushed twice today, one 'minorly' and one 'majorly'. Once because I was asked to speak in group therapy but even before that I was having a minor panic attack sitting there because of sitting in a small room with about 12 people. The other time majorly when I sat with a worker and she asked me to tell her my entire life story, that got me going good and proper.

A welcome post AmZ. You seem positive tonight, and the replies to your post are genuine. Nothing heavy, just a good, simple, plain question......."hows everybody doing". How are you doing?

Hi Yuray,
I hope you are well.
Yes, my question came from a good and positive place. Just wanted to say hi and see how people are doing. I'm doing OK thank you. I've had two days of feeling neither good nor bad, and it feels good. Partly because it means that I haven't got much to lose if the next day doesn't turn out so great. And I spoke with my psychiatrist today and my anti-depressant is being changed to Prozac, so I am hopeful that it will finally be the thing for me to bring me out of this year and a half mess!


Account Closed
Hi Everyone,

Also getting ready for Thanksgiving here in US. Watch the NYC Macy's parade on TV. Going to my family for lots of food - usual Thanksgiving fare - Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, Black friday shopping - I had to fight the crowds. I usually buy online. But some stores opening at 10pm on Thursday....rounding out with seeing mother-in-law on Saturday - don't have a time yet because she waits until the last minute to make plans which makes it hard to plan....but our town has a Christmas parade on Saturday, so should be fun!

At least the power is back on in CT. With the October 29th snow storm we had - lost power over Halloween for 5 days! What a blur!


I'm not doing too hot today. Sometimes I really don't know what to do with myself. I'm so confused and frustrated. I don't want to live and I don't want to die.

How's everyone?
Well, I'm an optimist, so it's nice to see you don't want to die.

Perhaps you are just afraid to live. Maybe you need to change your thinking about what living is... Don't worry though, you aren't the only person who is afraid of life sometimes... Or aspects of life, I should say. There are feelings a person can be afraid to feel, but at least they are felt. And it's only feeling... It will pass and go on to something else, too.

I don't know what I am talking about. I thought I did, but I think I need to go to bed. lol


Just ecstatic as ever about living the American dream ;)

Damn right!

Or am I hearing some sarcasm there?!

---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------

Ahh. Get me out of here! Again, more drama in the hospital today. Some guy just started to scream and run about and has been moved to the closed ward and one of my American roommates is currently in the bathroom doing a pregnancy test! She's 22 years old and bought the test herself so I am waiting in the room like an expectant... Person!

Daniel E.
Ahh. Get me out of here!

I would suggest immigrating to Canada ;) They take anybody for any reason. And your only roommates are polar bears -- some are pregnant but most are just hungry.
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