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wy is it thati feell that i am at 2 places at once.. like when i was with my psychiatrist and he would talk to me about difficult events i tend to go back to the events but it is like i am in the midl of 2 worlds i can here him talking telling me to listen to him to look at him to come back and try to beet the flash or go through it but i can't i am like in the movie of my life as a spectator but prisonner until my mind blocks a detail out and i come back to myself but other wise these episode happen even in class everytime i am not consentrated on something or busy i fall into that sort of state were i become prisonner of my past why can't this stp why did the exposiur therapie not work the way my psychologist told me it would..


Thanks for the link to that exercise Janet :) I had never seen it before and it really could be helpful.
I, too, can really relate, AK and BH. In fact I find sometimes that as the stress in my life increases so do the flashbacks and dissociation, often to the point of not realizing at all where I am or how I got there. Janet, do you know whether the exercise is for the therapist to do (i.e. to ask you to repeat) or whether it is meant for the person going through the experience to do on their own?
Janet, do you know whether the exercise is for the therapist to do (i.e. to ask you to repeat) or whether it is meant for the person going through the experience to do on their own?
I just saw this and I'm not really sure. I just sometimes, when I can, do it on my own. I have only seen it on this forum so I'm not sure where it came from or how one is supposed to use it.


I just took a look at the link again and I would think that the exercise could be done either with a therapist or on your own. If the flashback is happening while in a therapy session then it could definitely be used with a therapist but I also think that it could be a useful tool to be used while alone when a flashback (or as someone else mentioned a panic attack) is happening in order to bring back the reality of what is actually happening at that moment.
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