More threads by josetta


Hello everyone I am new to this forum and really wanted to get some insight into what is going on in my marriage. I don't know if I'm over reacting so, I'm just seeking advice my spouse likes to throw digs at me sometimes subtle other times not so much.. One is about how I have a great life and his life sucks and I asked if I went to work full time if that would make us even.


Resident Canuck
Re: I am new here.

:hithere: Josetta :welcome: to Psychlinks.

I created a new thread for your own post.

Glad you joined us :D Lots of great folks here.


Re: I am new here.

Hello Josetta,

Welcome to Psychlinks!

Why do you feel your spouse makes these remarks? Are there financial issues that might be causing him to misdirect his frustration toward you?

What is it about his life that he doesn't like? Is it work related or relationship related?
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