More threads by Cat Dancer

on a scale or on a dress tag. I am a human being. I am a person with a soul and a heart inside filled with love and caring. I am worthwhile. I am full of life. I feel. I hurt. I cry. I laugh. I have rights. I deserve better than what I'm giving myself. I have hope. I have doubt. I want things. I need things. I'm alive. I'm thankful. I'm sad. I need to give myself credit when I try really hard. I want to be in recovery. I mess up (a lot). I need to forgive myself. I'm NOT crazy. I'm suffering. My heart aches. I am a human being. NOT a number. Never JUST a number.


on a scale or on a dress tag. I am a human being. I am a person with a soul and a heart inside filled with love and caring. I am worthwhile. I am full of life. I feel. I hurt. I cry. I laugh. I have rights. I deserve better than what I'm giving myself. I have hope. I have doubt. I want things. I need things. I'm alive. I'm thankful. I'm sad. I need to give myself credit when I try really hard. I want to be in recovery. I mess up (a lot). I need to forgive myself. I'm NOT crazy. I'm suffering. My heart aches. I am a human being. NOT a number. Never JUST a number.

You're beautiful. I sincerely mean that.
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