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I am sitting here feeling so depressed my fiance is a jerk and doesn't care about my feelings all he cares about is himself. He always picks fights with me blames me for everything thats going wrong in his life. He has completely took away my self esteem i feel like I am all alone.

I need to leave him but i have no were to go we have bills in both our names and he doesn't even care about that he has no job and being that i am the only one who is working i know he feels useless but that is not my fault he says that i am a miserable person and how much i have changed, but all the pressure is on me and he doesn't seem to realize that or even care.

He says that i am the one who always fights with him but its not true i am tired of him trying to take me down with him it is not fair to me all of his issues are not my problem.

i dont know what to do anymore his unemployment has ran out and i can't afford to pay the rent here on my own dont know what to do.

Lost Caligirl:(

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Is there a women's shelter or crisis center near you where you could at least get some advice? Any family you can turn to? Do you belong to a church?

Good Shepherd Shelter

1736 Family Crisis Center
Community service centers
1736 Family Crisis Center’s community service centers offer counseling for people of all ages and backgrounds... jobs and job development services for eligible domestic violence victims... and other key aid to help strengthen fragile individuals and families.

Our Los Angeles community service center is located at 2116 Arlington Ave., Suite 200, Los Angeles (right off the Santa Monica 10 Freeway).
For more information – or to schedule a weekday, evening, or Saturday appointment – call our Los Angeles 24-hour crisis hotline at:
(213) 745-6434 or (213) 222-1237.

For more information – or to schedule a weekday, evening, or Saturday appointment at any of our other locations, please call (310) 543-9900, Ext. 310.

East Los Angeles Womens Center | Programs | Programs and Services
Hi Caligirl,
i know it is rough right now, I used to feel similiar to you many years ago. It took me a long time to leave the situaton I was in for the same reasons you cite above... no money, no where to go.. or so I thought until I made a few enquiries. Please do look into those services David has posted for you including your local church, I don't think it would matter if you "belong" to that particular church or not, if you live in the area then you can go and seek advice from one of the priests\pastors there.

Have you started to look at other places that maybe within your means to live? if that means not paying the bills where live at the min, so be it! you have to do what you need to do to get yourself out of there. Start thinking\concentrate on getting out rather than looking at what he is doing to you at the min okay, that will give you a different focus, act rather than react okay. Act now for yourself and your daughter.



Hi Always Changing

Thank you for your reply your words really comfort me and help me to think with a clear mind. I know what I need to it's just hard to walk away and I don't know why I don't know if I even love him anymore all the hurtful things that have been said to me just took away my love for him he doesn't know how to love himself and have a healthy relationship. He was married before and had a bad marriage and he only knows how to be that way I told him that this is a completely different relationship and u need to learn from your mistakes u make in the past and move on he has been through alot this past few years his brother past away he had back surgey lost his job. But like I told him I have been there for him through all of his "issues" and he doesn't seem to get it all of my life I have taken care of everybody else when is it my turn to feel at ease.

Thanks for listening
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