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I thought this could be a place where you post a positive affirmation about yourself. You can do it daily, or whenever you feel like you can, or anyway you want to. I just thought this would be a good way to keep track of them so you don't forget or loose them. That way you can go back and remind yourself of them. Also, other people can read them and maybe say to themselves, "hey, I feel that way about myself too!" And everyone would help each other build themselves up!

Just an idea. I know it might be hard. Just try.

(Oh one thing, I was always told that affirmations shouldn't have negative words in them, like "not" and "don't" things like that, and that they should start with "I am" or "I can"...tthings like that.)

---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

So I guess I have to start...

I am good at taking care of my two cats, and I know they love me.

Daniel E.
(Oh one thing, I was always told that affirmations shouldn't have negative words in them, like "not" and "don't" things like that, and that they should start with "I am" or "I can"...tthings like that.)

And one thing Wayne Dyer suggests is taking an excuse and converting it to an affirmation.

So I am going to steal this one of his:

Excuse: It will take a long time.
Affirmation: I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my own destiny.


I am so surprised to find it so hard to think of what I am.

I am a good friend to my friends.


I am my own person,I am no longer controlled by my family of origin.
I am a survivor
I am intelligent
I am kind,caring and loving
I am just as good as anyone else
I have rights
I am capable of standing up for myself
I am valuable
I am a good listener
I am a good friend
I am a good cook
I am getting better
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