More threads by Cat Dancer

I am supposed to go to a baby shower today and I just can't bring myself to do it. :( It isn't like anyone would care if I'm not there (how self centered is that?). I just feel like I don't belong anywhere. I want to go, but these feelings of anxiety and not fitting in are overwhelming me. I hate that I can't just do things without all this conflict. :(
Go CD ok don't let your mind take the pleasure of going out and seeing other people They would care hun if you did not show up that is why you got the invitation to go they want you there
I took some Ativan and I am going to go I guess. I hope I don't get sick or something. That would be so embarrassing. :eek:mg:

---------- Post Merged at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:56 PM ----------

I just wanted to say that when I take Ativan I take it in a responsible way. :)


I was just thinking about this thread and wondering how the baby shower went...

I hope you had a good time CD.
I did go and I had a great time! It was so good to see some of my family that I hadn't seen for awhile. And so much fun to watch the mommy-to-be open her gifts. :) Thanks. :)


these feelings of anxiety and not fitting in are overwhelming me. I hate that I can't just do things without all this conflict................I did go and I had a great time!

Can you see that much of your anxiety may not be based on fact and that your thoughts may be unduly influencing what you do?

I commend you for the courage and determination you showed in overcoming your fears, using the tools available to you (your appropriate and sensible use of your medication) and your resolve to work on regaining control of your life.

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