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I don't think I did anyway. I really am frustrated and upset and sad with myself today over this. It has ruined my life in so many ways. And people don't understand either. i don't understand for that matter. But why can't it just be as simple as "just stop?" Why is it so hard to overcome? :(


MVP, Forum Supporter
I know you didnt do this on purpose, no one would want that. I do think there are people understand this issue and what a challenge it is. If it was so simple as just stopping then there wouldnt be any eating disorders. I think dealing with these issues I have come to realize in the last few days, is something that takes constant work , maybe its about making peace with that and being prepared to do the best you can to manage it. Thats my perspective anyway.


No one did this on purpose but sometimes this just happen and you have to deal with this. It won't be easy but you are strong enough to stop it. Just don't give up. Think positive and believe that the best is yet to come. Imagine your new healthy life and fight for it
I can understand where you are coming from sometimes it is hard to believe that something that we hate and hurts us so bad isn't so easy to simply let go.. there is a book although i don't completely adore it parts of it are really true and i would recommend it to anyone with an eating disorder. Life without ED. It helps to understand the fight the power of that fight and how to try or at least understand how to get better. I am not saying it will cure anyone but it gives you some insight on what you are dealing with.

Eating disorder are hard to fight off, so many people don't understand, as you said we ourselves don't really get it. Unfortunately part of us gets something out of it.. it can be little things it can be big things and sometimes even things that are very hard to see but then after a while those things sort of take a place in the scenery. you start to see your life pass you by and this eating disorder that was once useful has become a thing that is holding you back. We are the one that hold the key sadly we are the ones that will ultimately get us out of it.. with help of course but we have to be all in.
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