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I just hate the snowstorm we just got. I was hoping to go out today and I couldn't the wind was blowing and the streets weren't plowed properly till late. I told myself I will wait till morning to clean my driveway because during the night the snowplows go by and you have to redo your driveway again.
I was upstairs in my bedroom most of the day. Well just a few minutes ago I checked outside where my driveway is and it was cleared of snow real wide by somebody I don't know who. Wow isn't that amazing. Tomorrow I will just have to clean my car off and in front of my car where I left room to get my snowblower out of my garage and next to my car where my steps are.
I didn't even realized somebody was doing it otherwise I would have try to find money to give them.

yes somebody with a snowblower and I can still see the tracks it made. So now I probably won't need my snowblower for the part he couldn't reach. I will just try to use a shovel.

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