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Yep, I'm at home now for a few days and on Tamiflu, not happy. It feels like ordainary flu to me except I'm very hot, had a swab test which confirmed it. Some others at the place I work have had it too. Oh well not alot I can do, just stay here and watch dvds, surf the net and sleep:lol: It will pass I'm sure!


Re: I have swine flu.

This is the perfect time to pull out your favourite feel-good videos. Let us know if you need suggestions.

(I'd bring you soup but it would be cold by the time I finished swimming across the Atlantic Ocean.)


Resident Canuck
Hi Shuttered, sorry to hear you got the Swine Flu. Is yours considered a mild case?

Wishing you a fast recovery! :support:
:support:Coddle and pamper yourself Shuttered, having any sort of flu isn't fun.
All food tastes like cardboard I find.:hug:


Even though being sick is no fun, I hope you enjoy the rest. Hope you get well sooooooon! :2thumbs:


Thanks everyone!

Fiver, soup would be great but you might end up catching my flu if you brought it to me:lol:

NicNak, yes its a mild case so I'll be fine. Its amazing how advice differs here, some say stay away from everyone for at least 5 days, others 2 days, some say just take ordainary flu meds, some say don't, theres no consistency in the advice and or precautions to be taken.

White Page. I love cardboard with a layer of cheese and some tomatoes on it:D


My mom is an RN and according to what the hospital is telling their medical staff, the swine flu is like other flus. You're doing what you can to just ride it out! I have to go now....stocking up on bleach, lysol, gloves, duct tape, and those Mask-thingies! :lol: <--just joking:confused:
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