More threads by Daniel E.

Daniel E.
For the exciting month of June:

National Trails Day (celebrated the first Saturday in June)
National Tomato Day (1st)
Audiobook Month
Caribbean American Heritage Month
National Flag Month
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
Turkey Lover's Month
National Damon Appreciation Month
National Dairy Month
National Iced Tea Month
National Papaya Month? (or September)
National Candy Month
National Don't Eat Cheese After Noon Month
Gay Pride Month
National Hunger Awareness Month
National Seafood Month
National Soul Food Month
ID-A International Day of Advertising

June is also "National Rebuild Your Life Month."


lol Well thankfully fresh fruit and vegetables month is coming up! Maybe you can focus on the tomato in honour of both days. ;) lol I didn't read that right. Thankfully it IS fresh fruit and veggie month...Sorry my brain doesn't function well because I don't eat my fruit and veggies. ;)

Daniel E.
That does give me the idea of celebrating Candy Month and Veggie Month together by making chocolate-covered tomatoes :D

Daniel E.
Yes, I liked the first one, at least. But a trilogy is more appropriate for July, e.g. the Fourth of July or the dreaded Canada Day :D


Who appreciates demons? :panic:
Who doesn't? lol I figured it was one of those weird American things. Isn't the Queen of England long dead? I know the British Queen lives in England but I didn't think England was part of the monarchy or realms anymore? If this is right then I suppose she possibly could be appreciating demons...
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