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It took 6 hours yes six hours to drive my daughter to treatment this morning it was horrible. stop and go traffic got lost a couple times. Had panic attack at the end of it god i hate winter. Finally phoned the place and found place after finding out she may not have coverage they said come back in APril NOT likely after all this ill pay 260 dollars day i told them i really don't think ill be taking her home not after this. so they admitted her. we had some lunch tears and now my stomach is like a friggin fire pit. ulcer city. Im home now took only 2 hours to get home only 2 hours that is what it should have been to get up there. Okay im tired and upset thinking all the extra hours iwill have to work but its done now i just have to keep busy looks like work will be a good place to start
god i still can't believe a 2 hour drive turned into 6 and now i am going to be more in dept if insurance doesn't pull through. thats life right and right now i don't care. sorry vent need to just unwind get warm bath and just die. Lets home christmas drive is a little better than this one or hope she can get on a train and get home herself I am not doing that again.
Yeh cruel very cruel winter is glad im not alone in this feeling Never want to see snow again or ice never good thing i can just scream now noone around ha ha ha
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