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Hi there,

So, I am officially in the dog house for the first time (awesome...). So, I lost my job a few days ago and have been out and about making sure I can find another. While I am enroute to the next business to which I would apply, my phone dies. Once I get to the place of business, they had recently opened and I offered to help out a bit. They agreed and I thought this would be a great idea to get an in. Being a half hour away from home and without a cell phone charger, I do the right thing and call my girlfriend to tell her that I was going to home around 8:30PM (kind of a guesstimation). She was cool with it but she did not know exactly where I was or what I was doing because I had to be quick as it was not my phone and I didn't want to blurt out I was looking for a job in front of the potential person that would hire me.

So, we worked and worked unpacking boxes and organizing so things look pretty. By the end of it, it was around 9 (not too late), and I was ready to leave. Do note, I am about an hour away. However, the manager offers to buy me dinner. I accept. Around there I thought, "Hey, maybe I should call my girlfriend and let her know what's going on." I did not because I didn't want to look like a loser borrowing this guy's phone twice. So, he picked up dinner, brought it back to his place of business, we ate and broed around a bit until I thought it was getting a bit late. Also note, I am in a clockless and windowless room. He pitches me $10.00, takes my resume, thanks me, and I leave. I catch my car clock and it's 11:00PM. "Not good..." I thought. So, I drive home getting back at 11:45PM desperately sorry.

She (understandably) freaked out. I was not expecting her to worry so much but now that I think about it, it's not too farfetched. So, she told my brother, her mom, and her friends (whom she invited over so she would stop crying) that she was worrying. She called the police, and called the place of business I was at.

As for me, I feel bad. It was my own pride preventing me from picking up the phone and now I have the couch. So, I'm trying to think of how to show her I am really very sorry and that I will never do it again. Just so everyone knows, it is very out of character for me to do that which is why her freaking out over me not coming home is pretty understandable. So just know, I probably won't do it again.

Question is: What do I do...?

Daniel E.
I don't know, but did you ask her what you could do to make it up to her?

These things happen even to people who have been married for decades. So given your age, it's more than forgivable.

BTW, do you have a cell phone charger for your car?
I'm with Daniel on this one... My husband and I are in our 40s and have been married about 14 years; he's usually pretty good, but there was one time I was a little worried because he didn't call while he was chumming with a guitar student (about his age, male) having a beer after the lesson. I was expecting him home around 7pm but he didn't come home till closer to 9pm... He didn't call to let me know... So I asked him what happened when he came in the door, and he was surprised that I was upset, but he now knows to call if he's going to be late next time. I think it was shortly after this incident when we got ourselves a cell phone. The ritual is to plug it in every evening to make sure it's fully charged the next day...

I think it must be a "man" thing not to want to borrow someone else's phone, or appearing like they are "required" to call their wife (afraid of appearing hen-pecked), or asking for directions, blah blah blah... I don't know for sure, but it's very important to let your loved one know where you are, just to touch base with them and let them know you are okay and if you are running late, it's just a courtesy really. If your potential employer pokes fun at you because you are checking in with your wife, just shrug and say, "It's just common courtesy." You could even throw in, "I would do the same for you, and I would expect the same from someone else..."

I am sure your employer would have understood, although if you noticed he didn't feel the need to call his own spouse/gf, then he's probably not married and still single... lol


Dear Azo...

Yes, You screwed up a little but believe me that she will forgive You. :)

I was in a similar situation recently when my boyfriend went to some party and told me that he will be back by some time. I was waiting him. Anyhow he had a good time and decided to stay a bit longer on that party, but he didn't call in or text me. However, I was worried because he always tells me if he stays longer on some event in this situation, partying. Since I didn't want to call him (somehow it can be interpreted as jealousy) I waited. After three hours of waiting, he called me and explained that he had a good time and he is very sorry and going home. I was angry ofc, but in the same time happy knowing the fact that he is ok and nothing bad happened. So, yes some girls worry a bit "to much" if there exist something like that. But we do it because we care and we love our partners, and even we are pissed at that moment, we will forgive. :)

So, try not do something similar next time and with that You will prove that You are respecting her worries.
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