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My old cat C-For isn't doing very well. He's almost 14 (next month) but I've only had him about two and a half years. He was pretty much at death's door when I got him, so I feel like I gave him this extra time as a bonus.

Having said that, I do feel guilty - like I might be jumping the gun on putting him down. He is sick several times a day though and I don't really want to spend $1000 on tests first. Is that bad?

I spent $13,000 trying to save my last dog, and I lost him at the eight day mark. My current dogs have insurance but because the cat was so sick when I got him insuring him would have been unreasonable. I was just trying to give him a few extra good years.

You can probably tell I'm fighting with myself on this. My mom is pressuring me to do it because she's tired of shampooing the carpet every day. I'm just worried I'm jumping the gun and his previous owners will be mad at me.

I know no one here can tell me what to do. It's just a hard decision and i suppose I'm thinking out loud...
You know in your heart hun you have given this animal the best years he had probably but why make the animal suffer now If it is being sick and just hanging on it is because of its love for you. If it suffering then as a good animal owner you are doing the right thing by giving it a peaceful death not one of suffering to the end. I know it will be hard but when the time comes you can be at peace with your decison because you know you will do what is right for your precious pet hugs

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
When I had to make that decision for my cat Sam, who was my companion for 14 years, I did it on the basis of answering these two questions:

  1. He is surviving currently but what quality of life does he have?
  2. Am I keeping him alive for him right now? or for me?

The answer to #1 was clearly "poor". The answer to the second was "for me". As difficult as it was to say goodbye to a good friend, that gave me my answer.


I took away his food and am going to fast him for 24 hours to see if that calms his tummy. I discovered my moms husband was mixing two kinds of food which should never be mixed and am hoping this will make the difference. If not, well, then I know.


MVP, Forum Supporter
We had to ask ourselves the same questions for our dog last year. It was a painful choice but the right one :(
Turtle, sorry to hear about your situation.

We are dealing with the same issue with our second golden retriever right now, our first one bought right after retirement in 2000 died last year of cancer five months after diagnosis of throat melanoma, in spite of our best efforts and $8,000 in expenses for care, travel and treatments. My husband cried every day for months because the poor dog ended up dying on the cool floor of the laundry room one night alone. Vet said he had kennel cough the day before. Metastazized cancer in the form of tiny tumours were found in his lungs after autopsy.

Our second dog has had neurological problems since adulthood, she is close to 10 years old. The disease remains unknown but her motor functions have declined gradually every year. Now, she barely moves or stands while still being alert and conscious of her surroundings. I am trying to convince my partner that it's time to accept her departure for doggie heaven. I feel her quality of life is poor and keeping her is for our benefit. He disagrees and had decided once she can't walk at all, he will consider it.

It's a really really hard decision to make alone, when there are two owners, you have to think of your partner's well being as well. He is MY priority no matter how much I love these dogs. So, I will not challenge him for now. :dejection:


Thanks guys. I just gave him his food back so I'll see how he does over the next day or so. I don't think he's suffering at all but my mom is really pressuring me. I won't do it though unles he continues to be sick.


He seems to be doing better now that I've "reset" his tummy. I'll keep an eye on him though and see how he does.
I'm probably too late (haven't read the whole thread yet) but when I lost my beloved cat Beauty we had to make a similar choice, she wasn't eating and she couldn't use her tray properly and had to use the bath instead (yes I know that's yuck before anyone says) but the thing to think about is is the cat suffering and is he/she likely to show any signs of recovery - the vet can help you make the choice when the time comes *hugs*
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