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It floors me every time. I can go months and months without SIing and then all of a sudden BAM...the urge is back and the fighting continues. I think it's stronger than in the past because I have eliminated several other coping mechanisms. At the end of January 2012, I had gastric bypass surgery. Since then I have lost 97 pounds! That has been great and I keep going with the weight loss but it has eliminated my biggest coping mechanism...eating. This isn't like some other diet where I can just cheat on a bad day and get back on stomach will physically not let me cheat, thus intensifying the urge to SI (my second favorite coping mechanism).

I have gone 9 months without SIing but now I feel myself inching closer and closer to picking up {implement}. I took it out and looked at it today. Tomorrow I'm not sure I can put it back in the drawer. I was talking to a very trusted friend about it and she said I probably feel like I"m crashing because I have been on such an emotional high since January and now although I continue to lose weight, it's not as quick of a pace and the realities of life are setting back in. I think she's right. I do have bi-polar disorder and just wonder if I'm going into a time of depression. I don't know. So many thoughts go through my head about all this every day. Sometimes the urges are so bad, I literally scream. I started on this weight loss journey not just to get healthy physically but the get healthy mentally as well, and I feel like I'm fighting a big battle in that war.

I'm sorry, these thoughts probably seem scattered because that's how my head is working right now. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I greatly appreciate any advice you have!
Well done on your progress so far! :)

Could you maybe write a list of things to do rather than SI-ing, and attach that to the drawer so that it's in the way of getting to the implement? (That's assuming it's not practical to get rid of the implement altogether...)


MVP, Forum Supporter
Do you speak with a mental health therapist? If not, it may be in your best interest to set up an appointment so you can have help to find positive coping skills. Best of luck!


Congrats on your awesome success thus far! Focus on the reasons you did it - to be healthy physically and mentally, and use that as motivation to keep moving forward. I also concur with RDW to check in with your therapist or doctor - no need to go this alone. Are your meds ok or do they maybe need a slight adjustment due to the depression that is setting in? Do check with your doc and stay healthy.
Thank you for the support. I did talk with my psychiatrist and made an appointment to get my meds checked. I also made an appointment with my therapist. Finally I took your suggestion, gooblax and made a list of alternatives and put it where I would see it daily!! I might just get through this :eek:


Good work, Kels. Nice to see you controlling the urges instead of the urges controlling you. Hang in there - you will get through this.
Thank you Turtle...I just remind myself...hold on...just like urges to eat sugar (which I can't anymore), urges to SI will pass...all urges do...of course how soon they return might be the issue :eek:
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