More threads by Cat Dancer

I do not want to hurt people. I know this is one of my ocd thoughts/fears, but I have absolutely no cares at all about hurting myself severely. :( I can't seem to stop this behavior.
CD, I think it's interesting that the thing you fear is not the thing you do. Most people are basically good -- like yourself. And, we tend to give others what we seek within our own lives. The fact that it continues to be a source of discomfort for you says to me that you are working on resolving it. It takes time and you are worth that time.


Try to pray and find some self soothing techniques to get your mind off matters.
To clarify what I mean by prayer (least I sound like a religious nut) talk out your feelings aloud and what you hope for. 'Prayer' is an excellent medium for this...


O CD, I feel so much compassion for you in this regard.

This fear you describe, I feel it and It holds me back on all levels. Took me so long to get out of my abusive relationship cause I was fine with being hurt but never could get past his tears. No matter what anyone says, you know that standing up for yourself in some situations does not mean that you are hurting someone else. Taking the road towards healing yourself means that you are going to have to sever some relationships whether it be personal or professional. If we can realize our own worth we would stop hurting ourselves and allowing others to make us feel guilty for choosing what's best for ourselves. You don't hurt someone when you take care of yourself, They hurt you when they cannot support you enough to give you what you need. I am fully aware of my problem too and it is the hardest thing too try and deal with so I can only send you some Positive support and a kind word that will hopefully remind you that 'you are worth a lot, also to the people on PL that you help every day and that you are not responsible for anyone else's feelings, You can only try to control your own actions"

I will remind myself that it was never my intention to hurt anyone when I walk away and that they were wrong in how they treated me, should it go so far that I need to walk away, with the prayer that it will help this obsessive need to go apologize to them. What a struggle and I really pray you can beat it.

Please take care of you and hang in there!

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