More threads by Thelostchild

I have been off of all of my medications for over 2 months now and I feel so much better now although I have so much stress going on its amazing how I can keep my self from going crazy. I got married, flew to Oregon, been getting sick, miss my period sometimes, moving to Colorado, taking the horses on a 10 hour drive there, my grandpa that has cancer his body refused the stem cell trans plant, my sister from the marines,finding a house in Denver, Co area with horse property, and now we have to leave today for Colorado. But Im still ok Im might get some sad thoughts and worry alot but I think that has to do with this stress. And I do sleep more regularly now except on a few occasions like this night. Sooo Im okk and going just peachy
Re: Im ok


Im glad to hear your doing ok, wow you have been busy it tired me out reading your post:) and congrats on getting married, sorry to hear about your grandpa, hope all keeps going well for you its brillant news your doing so well, im happy for you:)
Re: Im ok

My mom tells me that Im her hero because im so strong for going off all my meds and just facing life head on, but I guess you have to
Re: Im ok

Your moms right, it takes a strong person to come of meds and then do all that you have done I must say I admire you, just want to keep saying well done to you:)
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