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My anxiety meds have caused a lot of weight. I was thin all my life up until the past 4 years. The weight gain has caused significant loss of self esteem and confidence. I always worry about how people view/see me and always think that they are judging me because of my weight. I want to lose weight but every time I try to eat healthy or exercise, it doesn't last. The problem I'm dealing with now is that the meds I take are VERY sedating and I don't have the energy to do much of anything. They also increase my appetite and make me crave very starchy/sugary foods. I know I need a routine, and one of my biggest problems is that I don't eat breakfast because of my insomnia, by the time I get to sleep it's usually almost morning, so I am sleeping during breakfast time. Also, I'm never hungry during the times that I'm supposed to be hungry. I usually don't eat anything until 3 or 4pm because I'm not hungry until then. I often just eat one meal a day. It's depressing because I know what I'm doing is all wrong, yet I'm too sedated/depressed to change it. If that makes any sense.

Anyone have any suggestions on how I can gradually ease my way into a new routine to shed the weight or how to cope with the constant sedation side effect from meds? I hate it :(
Hi i think asking you doc to change your meds to one that does not increase your appetite to one that actually helps to loose weight there are some out there so ask doctor okay take care


Unfortunately weight gain and sedation are side effects of some medications. Have you tried a different medication? I would suggest waking up and getting out to go for a walk even if it's short may get you going towards weight loss and the fresh air may wake you up a bit, your in Canada so that's perfect, a nice hit of cold air. That's a thought I know it would be something that you really have to force your self to do.

I can't really speak on this to much as I would be really hypocritical. I know others will be able to give you some suggestions though. :)
Hi i think asking you doc to change your meds to one that does not increase your appetite to one that actually helps to loose weight there are some out there so ask doctor okay take care

Yeah, I actually had just seen my therapist two weeks ago and she wants me to get off the medication that's causing weight gain now that my other medication is helping with my anxiety. I have now slowly began reducing the dose of it and haven't noticed any ghastly withdrawal side effects yet. I'm now on half the dose and hoping I can continue to do well with weaning off it it. I haven't told my family doctor or psychiatrist yet that I'm getting off, but I see my family doctor on the 21st so I will tell her then and see what she says. Hopefully it will all go okay.

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

Unfortunately weight gain and sedation are side effects of some medications. Have you tried a different medication? I would suggest waking up and getting out to go for a walk even if it's short may get you going towards weight loss and the fresh air may wake you up a bit, your in Canada so that's perfect, a nice hit of cold air. That's a thought I know it would be something that you really have to force your self to do.

I can't really speak on this to much as I would be really hypocritical. I know others will be able to give you some suggestions though. :)

Thanks for the tips :) I agree, it sucks that these meds cause so much weight gain and sedation (as if I'm not depressed enough!) I have tried other antipsychotics in the past, such as invega and zeldox but they made my anxiety worse. Ever since I was put on lamictal though (seizure med), it has greatly improved my anxiety so I am now in the process of weaning off the risperdol in hopes that I can function without it. In the past, I have been unsuccessful in getting off it, but so far this time it seems to be going okay. The only reason why I was even prescribed it was due to the severity of my anxiety and ocd, which normally an antidepressant and/or benzo would help with but my anxiety gets to the point where I get paranoid thinking about stuff like dying, so my doctor thought I should try an antipsychotic. And it does help with my anxiety, I've noticed a huge difference between my thinking patterns now, as opposed to four years ago. But I also feel like my thinking/thoughts/body in general is 'slowing down'.. I feel so sluggish all the time and that I can't think clearly. I don't feel as smart as I used to and worried that it will affect my schooling. I have no energy and am too tired to do anything except sleep all day. It's depressing and that's why I want off it. I've noticed a bit more energy now that I'm on half the dose but am still pretty tired. I'm hoping I can handle being off the med and use cbt/therapy and other meds to help cope with my anxiety and ocd.

---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

What is it you're taking, BTW, and how long have you been taking it?

I'm currently taking paxil (60mg) for my anxiety/ocd. I also take Risperdol (originally 4mg, now on 2mg).. slowly weaning off of that one. And I take Lamictal (200mg) for my seizures but I also use it as a mood stabilizer for my depression. I've been on paxil for 12 years and risperdol for about 2 years (before that I was on zyprexa for about 2 years but got off of it because of the awful weight gain). I just started the lamictal about six months ago but so far it's really been helping my anxiety so hopefully I will be able to handle getting off the risperdol if the lamictal keeps helping.


Well Lamictal should help with the weight gain, it's suppose to make people lose weight but I haven't found that unfortunately(I'm a weirdo though when it comes to side effects). I was never on Risperdol long enough to see any effect. I hope that it is easier for you to come off of this time around.
Do you think you will be able to manage with out the Risperdol or is this just kind of a wait and see kind of deal? That last bit about side effects is me right now as well so I can empathize with that big time.

Well, I think medication is like taking a test drive. Try it and see if it works and you can manage the effects that stick around and if not try another. Frustrating but unfortunately not everyone responds the same way, right. I hope you get feeling better soon. :)
I hope it works out well for you Do you think you can just call your pdoc and GP and let them know what you are doing. Not wise to change your medication without them knowing It just helps them if something does go wrong. I know resperidal caused weight gain as well in a friend and she is now getting off it and on another med. Her pdoc did that. Let your doctors know okay they should be kept informed on any changes you do with medication really before you do it
Do you think you will be able to manage with out the Risperdol or is this just kind of a wait and see kind of deal?

I was doing okay weaning off it but now my anxiety is starting to go up again (along with my ocd thoughts). I'm not sure if part of that is because I've been drinking caffeine lately (and maybe I just can't handle the caffeine when I'm not on risperdol).. or if it's withdrawal.. or if my body simply cannot handle being off the med... :S

---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 PM ----------

Do you think you can just call your pdoc and GP and let them know what you are doing. Let your doctors know okay they should be kept informed on any changes you do with medication really before you do it

Yeah, I'm definitely going to call my pdoc on monday because my anxiety is starting to get worse again now that I'm weaning off it. But maybe it's withdrawal symptoms I'm feeling, I'm not sure. I just hope I can get off it because the weight gain and constant sluggishness is so depressing :( I feel like my quality of life is simply not good when I take risperdol. It sucks :(
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