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Hello all - Its been awhile - My second marriage is failing. We've been separated since May. I am attending Anger Management counseling for myself(not court ordered) and also seeing a psychologist.

I feel we both have issues - we both feel we are right in what we feel and cannot really get beyond feeling those issues. There is an inability to compromise. If we do give in, I feel we are just giving up that we lose our identity. because we aren't being true to who we are. There would be that lack of acceptance of whom we truly are.

I don't know which forums to use because I feel most everything is so complicated at this time. [Thank you for having this website. I feel I am learning things by scanning and reading all the posts.] The divorce should be coming to an end soon, and I am not happy that it is. I loved this woman with all my heart to the point of having just a bit of reservation of waiting to give its all until after 7 years or so of marriage... each of her other relationships lasted 6 or less. It only lasted 4 for us, if not 3?. Maybe this relationship was not to be because of that fear... If I were to feel comfortable with it - I would not have experienced or felt having any sort of reservation. But I feel I wanted it so bad to work.

We have had disagreements on friendships - how much time to spend with friends (me, Im a homebody and she is an extrovert and says she needs to get out of the house...) - how to handle her teenage children - (I do not have any of my own) - how to handle monies - differences in what we believe in faith (even though we are both Catholic).

The physical aspect of our relationship I loved so much, never had I felt so close to an individual... even in our biggest trials I still felt so much love for her... I still do somewhat. But, another man has spent the night at the house, and thus I have kinda lost that feeling. Even in my separation, I have not done that. I have gone out 2x with friends only; and have not been with anyone for intimacy... I want it bad; but I don't know where to find it - and I don't want the wrong kind. (if you know what I mean) I want it in a loving and caring and mutual relationship like I had with her. I want to be accepted for whom I am and to be respected for whom and what I am as well.

She also feels she cannot trust me... (lying by omission and by fear of recourse have been problems of mine) [though, I feel they are all small ones, nothing in comparison to her wanting to be out with her friends all the time] she feels trapped at home. I am working on me. I would go out with her; but I always felt like a 5th wheel - so I admit we both have issues. How does one work on self if you arenot in a relationship to have the checks and balances done?

I feel so lost without her. I miss our converstions no matter how good or bad they were. I miss our physical relationship. - I miss her cooking - I miss the way she looks - I miss the companionship we shared. I miss her.

If you say I married the wrong person... it makes it that much easier to go on... but I still need to go through my 2nd anullment and who is to say that I will get it. My Catholicism is very important to me too.

God bless us all and all of you for listening to me - Thank you for letting me share.
i don't know what to say to make this any easier on you. one thing your post does have me wondering about is if you both ever considered couples counselling. i don't know though if you are past the point of no return in your relationship.


Thanks Light and Halo -

I would've liked to try couples... but I think both of us need our own for awhile before we would attempt couples...

What intially started our last straw for the breakup was that I had started to go to one counselor for anger management (I never felt comfortable with him and I didnt like him; but was continuing to go to hopefully get something out of it which I didnt or maybe the only thing I did was that I cannot request anything of stepchildren...) She then came with me to indicate what she was seeing in the relationship. (She being almost a psych major herself - I felt she might be able to shed some light on the subject and I have used this against her because I felt she knew which buttons to push.) And when I had mentioned to him about my frustration with the marriage and unable to do anything with the kids - even backing her up with what she wanted I felt I got no respect or adherance to what mom said - so they basically could do whatever they wanted I felt without having any recourse from mom and I didnt like feeling my name was Matt... ie Doormat... I wanted some assemblance of rules being adhered to in a household. not a do whatever you want (and I am being kinda liberal with that; but still you ask the child to leave the cell phone on the counter before you go to bed and you it wasnt complied with else I am pretty sure the child would be up all night texting friends and the child didnt do this... there was no consequence. Doesnt there need to be a consequence for non listening to rules?...)when what I got from him, the counselor (and she was attending with me) that it was he initiated in front of her that I was considering divorce. [I did have an alone session with him prior to her attending any of the meetings.]

I didnt think he would say that in front of her; but he did. Next thing I know she starts packing boxes up.

I was attending him for anger management not for him to try to be marriage counselor and tell me that I am digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole of which he said he "didnt know how to get through to me."



Hi Charlie,

Welcome Back.

I'm sorry I don't have anything to offer to help you with your problems with your marriage.:(

I know you will find comfort to get through this on the forum, and I wish you much luck in getting through this.

It is good that you are in counseling.



Hi Charlie, and welcome.

I can't at all comment on your experience of marital problems. I never have been, though I would have thought it would be needed to work on one's own issues before you work on those you share (as you say). I wonder if it's possible to to contract with each other to take a break of a certain number of months to see how you both feel at the end of that time. And both have couselling during that time. A contract woul mean that you weren't ending the relationship, but taking a mutually agreed upon choice to keep a distance. I would have thought that the matter of how to handle the children would be part of the couples' counselling, but as I say I've never married.

On that point, I don't find that it is impossible to be alone. Many people do it and get by better than some people in relatioshiops. Horses for courses I guess.

Anyway, I wish you well and hope that it turns out for the best for you, your wife and the children.



Thanks for the words of Encouragement...

I guess you can call me "Mr Ed" ;-) -- I am a horse of course... the famous Mr Ed...

The kids will be fine - I am praying for the daughter... she is yet but 18 - the other two boys will be fine - they are on their own.
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